View Full Version : eep citalopram

19-10-09, 18:28
So ive been given 10mg of citalopram to take but i feel so nervous about taking them. I read all sorts of things about the side effect ect and i dont think ill be able to handle it. Im already at my limits with the anxiety i got now.

Any advice plz thanks :)

19-10-09, 19:58
10mg is a good starting point, but if you're feeling really worried, maybe cut it in half and take 5mg.

I started on 20mg for my first dose, but had a really bad reaction to it, so went straight down to 10mg.
Yes, I did have a rough couple of weeks - increased anxiety, nausea, tiredness etc. But it wasn't every day - over the worst 2 weeks at the beginning, I had more good/ok days than I had bad days.

I've been on citalopram for 6 weeks now and have gone up to 15mg in the last week. I feel really good in myself - no anxiety, virtually no depression and I'm sleeping and eating well.:)

My advice would be to expect some side effects at first - but remember it's the pills, not you. Keep busy. Get out of the house. Make yourself get up in the morning and eat something before taking the pill.

When I was at my worst with the side effects, my GP gave me some sleeping pils (which were fab and saw me through the first week or so), and diazepam (which I ended up not taking...because I started to feel better after my worst day - so there IS hope!)

Good luck. See it as the start of you beating anxiety.:yesyes:

19-10-09, 20:03
Hi TimD i was put on 20mg citalopram tried them for 3 days had really bad time with them,just been put on lofepramine 70mg 2 a day , had first one today feel much better on these . But you wont now till you try them ,if you dont feel good on them, see your doctor , lots of people get on with them , keep safe and strong:)

19-10-09, 20:08
You could be fine, not everyone gets side effects. I started on 10mg as my first dose and was really worried about the side effects, but I needn't have been - I only had some very mild nausea, which lasted less than a week. I've been taking citalopram for a year now, I take 50mg at the moment but I think this may be increased to 60mg in the next couple of days, but i'm not too worried - every time i've had the dose increased, i've had no side effects whatsoever.

If yo do get side effects, they are usually only mild, and can be helped. Doctors sometimes give you a benzodiazapine to deal with a possible initial increase in anxiety, and they can give you an antiemetic to help with any nausea you may have. If you do get any problems, don't hesitate in going back to see your doctor.

I hope this helps.

20-10-09, 18:50
just taken my first tablet
just gota wait and see what happens

20-10-09, 19:16
i spent 18 months too scared to take them but last month i did, started on 5mg had few side effects sleepy felt abit sick for few days and have being putting dose up in stages since and im fine on them. I know quiet a few people that have taken them and they all said they didnt have any really bad side effects

20-10-09, 20:45
i spent 18 months too scared to take them but last month i did, started on 5mg had few side effects sleepy felt abit sick for few days and have being putting dose up in stages since and im fine on them. I know quiet a few people that have taken them and they all said they didnt have any really bad side effects
at the moment im just feeling my usuall symptoms except there magnified, so its not that bad so far.

21-10-09, 08:34
woke up this morning..feel very odd..hard t describe lol

21-10-09, 10:23
Hiya im on day 10 of taking my citalopram, im taking them for anxiety too, i read all the side effectson the web and got myself into a right state but thought what the hell just take them! Ive had no bad side effects really just insomnia which im now taking diazepan every other night as im a moody cow when im tired, my advice is to take them and try and forget why your taking them, if you do suffer with insomnia go tell the docs asap, good luck xx

21-10-09, 18:47
hmm just had a major increase in anxiety, and felt a bit panicky, but it wasnt the usually panic i would feel. Getting a bit worked up now :| but its not to bad tbh cos i know its just the meds.

23-10-09, 06:54
quick update
feel alllot less anxious now but i feel like im getting a bit of short term memory loss. Can this happen? Im on day 4 now and it seems its worked quick :s. not really feeling illish anymore but still got a bit of a headache
+ insomia
oh yeh little edit..i feel like my confidence has sky rocketed lol