View Full Version : Think ive flu

19-10-09, 19:33
Yesterday it started to come on and today after work I feel crap.

Quite achey and a sore throat. Even feel a sniffle coming on too. My wife has had it for a couple days(but not the acheyness) and is just getting on with it.

My question is, this just sounds like normal flu right?

My main worry is i suffer from anxiety related to my heart. And over the past few weeks ive had numerous arrythmias. Im worried what will happen if i contract swine flu! :(

19-10-09, 19:41
Because the arrythmias are presumably caused by anxiety and not by any heart disease you don't need to worry. If your temperature isnt very high i.e. 38 or above it is probably just a cold. Hope you feel better soon.

19-10-09, 19:45
sounds like a cold ..... cold symptoms usually in nose and throat and come on gradually, flu symptoms tend to start with high fever 38+ and come on very suddenly .... hope you are feeling ok but if in doubt pop in to your gp x x

20-10-09, 10:21
Its the time for normal seasonal flu aswell, and I bet 80% of people calling with flu like symptoms have the seasonal flu not swine flu.

20-10-09, 10:30
agree with Welsh.Baz totally