View Full Version : SOTALOL.... anybody used it??

19-10-09, 19:51
I have been prescriped Sotalol by a hospital consultant for palpatations. The warning on the leaflet have pretty much scared the **** out of me.

Has anybody used this drug??..

so far just taken the one that they gave me in the hospital and feeling a bit spacey. Seems like quite a serious drug.

Still don't know if palpatations are caused by some sort of arrythmia or anxiety.. ecgs showed at the time i had a racing heartbeat but no other problems and im gonna have to wait about 4 weeks for a 24 hr halter ecg.

My dilemma is looking on the presumption it's anxiety .....

1. do i take this drug which yes, has today completely got rid of palpatations (after a weekend of hell) and suffer the side effects and live with the possible SERIOUS things that could go wrong with this drug (google it if you dare)

2. or do I sit it out and put up with regular palpatations until I get the 24 hr ecg??

Advice anybody.

I'm undecided whether to take my tablet tonight or not.

Thanks guys

Mand :blush:

19-10-09, 20:21
Warnings on drug leaflets have to list every possible side effect so that the manufacturers can cover their backs. Most of the possible side effects that are written down have only been done so because people reported getting those side effects during the trailing of the drug - bust most of the time the manufacturers will have no idea if it was the drug that caused that side effect, or if it was a different reason altogether.

In answer to whether you should take the Sotalol, that is up to you, but usually hospital consultants know what they're talking about, so if you've been told to take something, then I think you should. I take propranolol which is also a beta blocker, and has a similar side effect profile to sotalol, and i've had no problems with it. Of course no one can guarantee that you won't have a bad reaction, but is unlikely that you will.

Don't let the patient information leaflet worry you. Good luck.