View Full Version : Please Help Im Scared!

19-10-09, 20:13
The upper half of my body is aching, my arms, my neck my back! even my jaw a little, i got a faint headache and its hard to even move my arms! Im having troubles breatheing im not sure if thats part of it or im just getting anxious! Last night i couldnt sleep well because my legs and the rest of my body was just acheing loads. Im really scared someone help me?!

19-10-09, 21:23
Everyone is looking but not replying or helping, please someone?

19-10-09, 21:26
Hi Ruby have you been to the doctors it seems a lot like anxiety but I am no doctor
Are you on any medication
Try and play some relaxation music to see if you can calm yourself down


19-10-09, 21:40
Awww ruby,

first let me give you a hug, :hugs:,

I can hear how scared you are, and it not very nice to feel like this, it certainly sounds like anxiety, your muscles will be so tense, and that causes the pain.
I know when you are in pain and scared its so hard to believe that your symptoms could be due to anxiety.If you reduce your level of anxiety, i am sure you will find these symptoms although might not dissappear, will certainly reduce. I know thats easier said than done, but a start would be a warm bath, painkillers and some relaxation exercises.
I hope you start to feel better soon.

best wishes

Pauline x

19-10-09, 21:58
Hi Ruby

We are here
Sorry you are going through a bad time
you will come out of this try listening to some relaxing music through headphones while lying dowd with eyes closed usually works for me

Stay strong x

19-10-09, 22:30
-Sigh of great relief-

Thankyou so much everyone, that helped loads. Its amazing what some good reasuring can do. Thankyou to all :) I will run a hot bath and take some paracetomol. My mum has some relaxation CDS somewhere i'll fish them out, thank you for the hug Pauline x :D