View Full Version : hello

19-10-09, 20:39
i'm new, i'm chatting on behalf of my husband who has been on citalopram for about 6weeks now, up and down thoug, hestarted on 10 mg twice daily now it has been upped to 20mg twice daily.

19-10-09, 20:40
Hi bullylover

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

19-10-09, 21:10
Thanks for the welcome, i joined your group mainly cause i am a little worried about my husband who's name is chris, he does not like computers much so he would not be very good at chatting on forums, i will let him have a read of others chats that are going on. He is not feeling great tonight, he has to go to work at 11. he works on the railways, he is a welder. MOSTLY THE TABLETS HAVE HELPED HIS MOODS, but the side affects are not good, he has lost weight because his appetite is not what it was, he feels sick alot, thats what is wrong with him tonight, he is having a lay down now. I am worried because the doctor put him on 10mg twice daily and told him to come back after a month, chris went back and although he was better it was a bit like a roller coaster, when he went back he didn't see the same doctor although i said he should have done. The doctor he saw two weeks ago was very thourough but he put him on 20mg which is fine but it said once a day on the box. that means he would be on the same strength so he is taking 20mg twice a day like he did the 10mg. I'm not sure he should be. I am going to ring the doctor tomorrow to make sure.

20-10-09, 11:58
I've been on citalopram for years - you can go up to a maximum of 60mg so don't worry about the dose.
The sickness should also pass soon - they take a while to get used to if you've not had them before - you think they'll work straight away but for a while they make you feel worse and that can be hard to cope with.
I find either 20 or 30mg is good for me - I went up to 40mg at one point but it made me feel really flat - I didn't feel any emotions - good or bad.
When I first started, I was put on fluoxetine and I got really relaly ill so I was swapped to Citalopram - it's good because if Citalopram isn't good for Chris, get him to tell his GP and she can swap him to another one - there are so many out there it's just a case of finding the right one for each person.
I was lucky my GP is brilliant and she actually said to me 'it's a case of finding the right medication' so they know what it's like. My cousin found fluoxetine brilliant and couldn't cope with Citalopram so each person is different.