View Full Version : so..I have a cold, but

19-10-09, 21:35
..I've convinced myself it's something more serious.

My breathing feels kinda weird, when I'm breathing through both my nose and my mouth.

I also smoke. I've had about 9 cigarettes today. Could that be the reason my breathing feels f***ed? I'm convincing myself I have pneumonia or something more serious than just a cold, simply because of my breathing. I have a cough, my nose is running, my throat feels kinda sore (but not that bad) and I just generally feel like shit.

I'm new here, as you can prolly guess. I'm 17, in good health and I suffer from really bad health anxiety.

Any help/advise is appreciated.

20-10-09, 07:00
Don't smoke when you have a cold, it just makes the symptoms worse. Just drink plenty of fluids and get some rest. Standard advice for a cold. I'm getting over a cold myself (I'm 21 and also in mostly good health). It sucked for like 3 days, now all I have is some post nasal drip and a cough (a week and a half after the cold started). It's really nothing to worry about. See your doctor if symptoms get significantly worse.