View Full Version : Random Palpitations!

19-10-09, 23:08
Ok, for the last few weeks on/off i have been getting 'random palpitations' I don't know if i have become more aware of my heart beat but i certainly feel different. It hasn't been bad, just enough to know its there. I haven't felt particulary anxious, but if i were to be totally honest i do always have underlying anxiety pretty much all the time. It just varies in severity. At the moment it is low :) However i am concerned if what i am experiencing is palpitations! Saw the doctor today and he checked my pulse and heart, said all was fine, i'm 34, non smoker, good BP and low cholesterol. I have my concerns over my heart as my father died of a heart attack when he was 66 years old.

Don't know what to think :wacko:

Any ideas?

19-10-09, 23:41
Palpitations are very very very very common .. if i concentrate myself i can feel my heart beat through my head and other parts of my body. This also happens when i am very anxious and worried about my heart beat , ill just feel it in random places. If you want more comfort get an ekg or echocardiogram, or a stress test... but what you are experiencing soudns totally normal.

I would also like to add.. through my own research the most important supplement you can take for heart, and artery and Coronary artery disease is vitamin C ... and i am not referring to the RDA of around 128 mg.... .Research Dr. Linus PAuling


This is probably the best Information you can get for maintaining and getting rid of chances of heart disease.
You can also search for DR. Rath and Vitamin C ....

For my heart health i take

1 tablespoon cod liver oil daily
5 grams of vitamin C
3 capsules of pyncogenol

i also take organic hemp protein and milk daily and ORganic Veggie mix.

"For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect." ~Pfeiffer's Law~

But please stay away from any Heart prescribes medications and reasearch natural more powerful cures.

20-10-09, 00:17
Hi there, thanks for ur feed back, yeah i am told that palpitations are very common, and sometimes happen when you DON'T feel particulary anxious! Just feels weird and kinda scares me a bit! its a awful sensation : (

I do take cod liver oil and a garlic supplement as well, my grandad use to swear by it :)

I didn't know about the VITC i'll have to check that out as well. Thanks again for ur advice :)


20-10-09, 13:43
Ok, today still have this funny feeling in my chest, I took my pulse, it's 70 bpm, I think thats normal. Every now and then I can feel it beating more and then it kinda returns to normal. Its silly really because if I think about it too much it makes it worse! I suppose that makes sense really.