View Full Version : Very Very Stressed, Marriage Break-Up

03-11-05, 18:21
Me and my wife have only been married for 10 weeks and it look's like our marriage is over already.

I met her in january and we married in august.

She told me today that she has not been happy for a while and that she has been covering it all up and pretending to be happy.

Basically she has 3 kids and we have one on the way.

But one of her son's who is 7 years old is the worst behaved kid i have ever seen and he is very hard to cope with he has almost been kicked out of school for exposing himself and touching up girls and hitting girls, we think he has ADHD but he has not been diagnosed yet.

She say's i single him out and don't like him, this is not true he is just very hard to deal with.

Look's like we will be spiltting up very soon, i really don't need this right now, the thing is my family are all down south as i moved up here when i met her, i don't get on very well with my dad so i would not stay with them so i would be almost certainly homeless as well so i don't know if i can handle all this as well as my anxiety etc it's going to make me feel 10 hundred time's worse and my dad is the type of person that would have a right go at me and blame me for the marriage break-up even if he does not know the reason's why and all the fact's

03-11-05, 18:26
Hiya Andrew,

SO sorry to hear what your going through at the moment, it cant be nice[V].

Have u sat down with your wife to find out exactly why she is unhappy? Its it all to do with how she percevies you treating her 7 year old or are there other issues?

Please dont give up - is there any chance you could both go to relate or some other kind of councelling together? You have a lot to fight for, esp with a little 'un on the way.

Tatty B xx

03-11-05, 18:44
Hi Andrew,
so sorry you are having these awful problems ..As Tatty says, please don't give up yet, especially with a little one on the way! It is so very difficult to take on children, you have only recently met them and it will take time for them to get to know (and accept) you, and them you. And having a little 7 year with problems is not helping. Once he has been diagnosed and help is offered this might help a little. As you said none of this is helping with your anxiety, don't think yet along the lines of being homeless etc..keep talking and trying, and take things slowly, keep in touch. sorry no sound advice, but understand how awful you must be feeling. xxxxxx

03-11-05, 19:38
sorry to hear about you having problems in your marriage. The best thing to do is to sit and chat about why she feels this way. Talk about how you can deal with the children and their behaviour. Do you still love her and are you happy with her too? please dont give up yet, Andrew, have a god natter you may be able to sort things out.

03-11-05, 20:43
Hi Andrew,
Sorry to hear your having marital problems.

The first 2 years of a relationship are always the hardest, and you said that you only met in January, so it has all happened pretty quick.

You are both still in the process of getting to know each other properly, so give it another chance, especially with a baby on the way, it would be a shame for you to miss out on that hun.

Hope you can work it out,

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwitten'

04-11-05, 09:34
Really hope you can work things out Andrew.

Love Piglet:)

04-11-05, 16:00
Hi Andrew,

I am so sorry that you are going through this, I really hope that you can

work things out.

Take Care



05-11-05, 12:16
I hope that you can work things out.

Sounds like the 7 year old is in need of some serious therapy. I wouldn't write off the relationship at this point. It would be better for everyone involved (especially the children) if you guys worked things out.