View Full Version : Out of the Blue...What do you think? Please ?

20-10-09, 01:41
I have been doing a lot better with anxiety..It seems my beta blockers are adjusted just about right and my librium too.. Everyday I seem more and more like myself but I stayed up a little later last evening and slept a little later today..

I woke this morning and we have a very strange thing that happens here where we live. In this valley we are so high up and also its an desert there isn't much moisture here. You have to drink plenty of water which I do.

When its sunny and clear your body starts feeling like you are sweating.. all over in your hair ,the back of you neck ,on your chest and all over. When you touch those areas there is no moisture so its the air sucking the moisture out of your body.

Im pretty used to this already ,not that it isn't uncomfortable and weird especially when its a cold day but im used to it. I have heard its native to this place from a doctor ,to feel that way ..

Ok well I woke and started doing things around the house as usual. I didn't feel that good but I felt ok..Suddenly out of the blue I got a little nervous feeling.. I have no idea because it was like everyday that I have gotten up recently ,just another day..

We ate and did somethings and I was feeling edgy the whole time and then we got ready and went into town. As I was going into town my side around my heart was hurting a little but I just blew it off to chest ache from stretching or laying in a certain way , but I just didn't feel just normal.

I tried as hard as I could to get over it.. and we went on down to gas station and I had to fill a tire as it was low. When I got back into the truck I felt as though I was really short of breath, like I couldn't get enough air like asthma . I thought oh.. im just out of shape a little.. and we went on..

We got to the grocery where im normally lately fine and not nervous
and felt weak.. I felt weak all over and like I wanted to find a place to sit and just relax. I pushed on.. We weren't there to long but as long as we were I was starting to feel anxious.. We left and as we were going home my arms started feeling weird. I thought this must have something to do with my heart but remembered filling up the air in the tire I had to exert
pressure on my arms.. I was hoping that was it. As we got home we came in and put things up and I was still feeling a little weird and weak.

I was hurting in my side by my heart off and on.. but that had stopped and I was feeling just out of breath and weak. I started worrying it might be some kind of heart problem.. but I have had a recent exam.. and really long through exam and also an ekg.. and the doctor told me I didn't have a heart problem..

After about 30 minutes of being home.. I checked my pulse and it was 72 but did skip one time during my taking it but I had just eat some tuna and crackers.. I now feel ok. .Not totally great but ok. I wonder.. did I just have a intermittent anxiety attack or could it be some type of heart issue?

I really felt like I had asthma until just a few minutes ago when my breathing started feeling normal again.. Do you think maybe just maybe
it was a rare anxiety attack over something that I wasn't sure I was anxious about? I have been doing really good lately and just wondered.. could it be im ill or could it just be anxiety.. Please advise?

22-10-09, 23:15
Sounds like anxiety although i'm no doctor but this happens to me too...I am aslo worried there is something wrong with my heart, i do have a heart complaint but suffer no ill effects and have it checked every year but even though it comes back fine i still suffer with these symptoms and anxiety... try not to worry x