View Full Version : Thank Goodness I have found this place again!!!! PLEASE HELP

20-10-09, 03:42
I was doing awesome with my anxiety and panic. I still take Ativan, Clonazapam Paxil and had really quit my worrying.
If anyone remembers I was obsessed with my blood pressure because I had two very bad experiences after giving birth where my BP shot up and I was hospitalized. I believe I suffer from PTSD from that experience.
Fast Forward to now, I find out I have an abnormally large uterus and was recommended to have a hysterectomy. I was ok with it until right before the surgery and of course I started panicking. I started worrying about my blood pressure although it was normal again, and all complications etc.
I had the surgery Oct 8th so I am now in the recovery phase. I am thinking non stop worst case scenerio. My BP has risen but still under 140/90 and is probably based alot on my level of anxiety. I am terrified of blood clots, abscesses and soooo much more. I spend hours reading peoples stories and getting more and more scared and now I can barely function. I live with the thermometer and the blood pressure at my side on the verge of extreme panic every second. I think I have trouble breathing or dream I have a clot in my leg and wake up and completely panic. I have been to my doc, no help from him. He said he would He said he would see me in a month. He is no help anyway, he tells me to get over it. Please please please help me!!! I have three kids and I am not being the best mommy right now and my husband is lost. I try and find statistics on how common complications are and when my risk is over.
I am already past the time line where my BP would shot up after having the kids but that does not seem to ease my mind. I am on the verge of losing it and would love any words of help or advice you can give me. After suffering since I was 14 (33 now) and being well for a good while this is really throwing me for a loop.
If you happened to have a hysterectomy or your wife did and had a good experience I would love to hear that as well.
Thank you thank you thank you to anyone that responds:weep:

20-10-09, 08:23
I haven't had a hysterectomy YET but it could happen in next year or so given my perimeno problems but 18 months ago i did have large abdominal op - appendix out and exploratory and have large 5 ich scar and still have problems with abdominal cramp from damage to muscle during op BUT a day after my op I developed a terrible cough and sore throat - it was going round at the time - imagine just having a major op and a bad cough:mad: I left hospital after 4 days and the cough got worse - my GP listened to my chest and said lungs fine its tracheitis but then I suddenly remembered about pulmenary embolisms after surgery. I ended up seeing an out of hours Dr and admitted my fear and she was very good and put my mind at rest and next day my cough got better. I never did have a blood clot anywhere and I had risk as I am overweight as well.

You BP rise after birth is well known problem and nothing to do with any other op its purely connected to pregnancy and you should have had this explained to you at the time????

20-10-09, 20:55
Thank you, I still am completely paranoid. Any other experiences? Even with blood pressure rise because of anxiety, surgery etc??