View Full Version : Am i going to die?! :'(

20-10-09, 14:20
I feel VERY VERY sick at the moment, i keep sweating then i get really cold, its really uncomftable when i go to the toilet and my head feels achey and horrible! I feel as if im about to be sick i hate this please i dont know what to do, i keep sneezing and i feel SO UNWELL im really frightened im home alone and i dont wanna be sick incase i choke, ! I cant stop crying please someone help me i dont know what to do, i dont want to lie down because it feels like im dieing! :weep:

20-10-09, 14:24
Hi Ruby

Sorry your suffering at the moment
you are not going to die try to keep warm and relax, easier said than done i know
you are not alone x

20-10-09, 14:28
:weep: Im so scared, i hate being ill i just want to get up and get ready i hate being in a rut! I dont want people to see me ill, im scared they will give up on me because im always down and not feeling well and now its come to this im scared my fiancé will come see me and i havnt changed ive just got worse, no one is going to want me when im like this 24/7 why am i always ill for :weep: I think .. ive had enough..

20-10-09, 14:33
sounds to me like you are just run down from all your worry, I was like that two weeks ago. I got a really sore thriat, was all congested. I just bundled up, relaxed and swear by lemon lemsips...they are so soothing.if its flu or a severe coled, its so common and nothing to worry overyou will be fine

20-10-09, 14:34
No one will think bad of you im sure your fiance cares very much
certainly no one will give up on you
but you must not give up on yourself... you can beat this x

20-10-09, 14:38
Ruby trust me you WON'T die from the symptoms you are suffering at this very moment in time!

You have flu symptoms and that's it and I promise you'll start feeling better soon. Try as best you can to take your mind off of it or think of something that makes you happy and it might help you.

Most importantly you are NOT alone we're all here for you :)

20-10-09, 14:38
It sounds like you have a cold or the flu coming, and all the worry that you are going to be ill is making you feel sick, i understand completely, ive been there, (still am really!!!). If you are anything like me any virus, cough, cold or flu thats going around i worry i will catch it and have worse!!! But you wont, u will be fine. Nobody is going to think bad of you for being poorly. I suggest you curl up in bed witha warm drink and try and sleep hun, u will be fine.........honestly.
Please take care, all my love,
Debs xx

20-10-09, 14:40
ruby hun, ule be fine, you know by thinking the worst, ule make urself feel worse. remember wat they say, accept the symptoms, move on and dont fear them. easier said than done but keep telling urself this over n over. ive been doing it all morning because i have a tight neck, throat n chest n kept saying 'im gna die im gna suffocate n im home alone so no1 can help me.' but just distract urself. i bought a puzzel book, really takes alot of concentration and is helping to distract me.

take care x

20-10-09, 14:45
Thankyou so much :weep: These are more tears of relief now, im so glad theres people who care and dont ignore me like my family or fiancé does. Im so happy ive found this website i dont know who or where i'd be without people like all of you, im going to take all of your advice and do so. Thankyou loads! Much apriciated. x x x x x x :hugs:

20-10-09, 14:46
Remember Ruby you are NEVER alone we are all here :hugs:

20-10-09, 15:49
hiya ruby,,hows you doing now,, hun i know these feeling so well,,,ive just had ,,well still have three days of palpitions,,yes im scared,,im also shooting in and out the loo,,,and of all the times hubbys on nights arghhhhhh, but i made myself comfy in bed,,put on my fave dvd,,got my knitting, and before i knew the palps had settled,, not gone but easier,,try to calm down a little bit sweetie,,your feeding the fear,, your not alone, theres loads of us all going through this too,,you,ll get through it i know you will , take care plenty of fluids,,and if your running about make sure your wrapped up warm :hugs:

20-10-09, 16:19
your not alone all the advice our friends have given is great hope you fel better soon :hugs::hugs::hugs:

20-10-09, 16:22
Glad you are feeling a little better ruby.... you sound like you have a bad cold.. drink lots of water and clear fluids and take some paracetomol if you can.. you will feel better soon (hugs.. Mand)

20-10-09, 16:26
you should get a thermometer, as i find if i know i dont have a temperature it really helps me calm down. if i do have a temperature it lets me know i need to see my doctor and im not just over reacting

21-10-09, 17:18
Thankyou for making me feel better, i'll use ur advice. Thankyou loads! x :hugs: to all

sarah jayne
21-10-09, 17:42
Hope your feeling better soon xxx