View Full Version : Swab results

20-10-09, 15:24
I had thrush symptoms a week ago, so took the oral tablet and the pessary last week, the symptoms began to ease. By friday though, everytime i stood up I had a white/yellow watery discharge so I rung the nurse and she wanted to do a swab.

I had the results this morning and they have said that there was no bacteria or fungal growth, so its normal. I am still having the watery discharge on standing? but have been told it must be normal, any ideas? I have never had this before. The nurse said it can be a pregancy symptom, but there is no chance of that.

The receptionist said I should see the GP friday if I am not happy with the results, so I am going along to chat to her. I am not sore now or in pain, just occasionally feel abit irratated down there, but nothing like i had a week ago, so the thrush treatment did work, as I was very sore, very itchy and had white discharge. I have had a lot of antibiotics this year so they said that was the cause.

When I had the swab done, the nurse said they do 2 swabs, one which is higher up at the neck of the womb, but as I was so uncomfortable she couldn't manage it, but she said the other swab would pick things up. What might the higher one have tested for? bit worried they may have missed something.

20-10-09, 15:30
hi hun, i imagine the tested for all stds and normal infections. If the symtoms are new to you then speak to your doctor but i always have yellow discharge and im 'normal' TMI are you sure the discharge wasnt from the pessary? x

20-10-09, 15:30
sorry re read the swab you HAD would have tested for STDS & infections x

20-10-09, 15:48
without being too graphic, when i have used the pessary thing in the past, the stuff goes mushy inside and alot of it comes out over time following using it. I remember it coming out for ages after and it was like you describe.

Sounds okay hun, safe to ignore i would say in light of your checks withthe nurse


20-10-09, 16:13

I took the oral tablet on the tuesday, and the pessary on the friday. I had already had the watery discharge since the thursday night?? so it can't be related to the pessary.

I know they say Im fine with the results being ok, but I can't help but worry.

20-10-09, 16:19
Not sure how long it all takes to come out....gross sorry!!

I know , i worry when i dont worry even so know exactly what you mean!!

20-10-09, 16:24
Yeah its possibly the pessary... and also yes they were probably doing swabs for other infection.. sounds like it was thrush which is now on its way out... try not to worry.. these things tend to come and go through life.. real pain but wont do you any harm

20-10-09, 16:24
well there is BV bacterial vaginous. its not an STD its on over growth of bad bacteria, kinda like thrush but bacteria instead of yeast. it has the same symptoms but you'd have a bad fishy smell though if you had BV. its treated with antibiotics.
it also could be normal, the vaginal discharge varies greatly depending on your cycle.

20-10-09, 16:36
I had a test for BV, and that was negative.

I have increased discharge mid cycle, but not usually watery.

Cell block H fan
20-10-09, 18:21
I had thrush symptoms a week ago, so took the oral tablet and the pessary last week, the symptoms began to ease. By friday though, everytime i stood up I had a white/yellow watery discharge so I rung the nurse and she wanted to do a swab.

I had the results this morning and they have said that there was no bacteria or fungal growth, so its normal. I am still having the watery discharge on standing? but have been told it must be normal, any ideas? I have never had this before. The nurse said it can be a pregancy symptom, but there is no chance of that.

The receptionist said I should see the GP friday if I am not happy with the results, so I am going along to chat to her. I am not sore now or in pain, just occasionally feel abit irratated down there, but nothing like i had a week ago, so the thrush treatment did work, as I was very sore, very itchy and had white discharge. I have had a lot of antibiotics this year so they said that was the cause.

When I had the swab done, the nurse said they do 2 swabs, one which is higher up at the neck of the womb, but as I was so uncomfortable she couldn't manage it, but she said the other swab would pick things up. What might the higher one have tested for? bit worried they may have missed something.

Nope I bet they haven't. I had this years ago, it really stressed me out big time. I was googling like mad back then, & came up with allsorts, I had swab tests done, results were clear. There was nothing wrong. Without meaning to sound too graphic but when me & my partner had sex, it was like the bed was flooded! The doctor ended up giving me some stuff you had to squeeze into a tube & insert like you would a tampon on an applicator? Was supposed to reset the natural function or something..
Yet it didn't make any difference. In the end it slowed down on its own, & ive never been any the wiser what it was! :wacko:

21-10-09, 21:33
I just notice i feel this leakage when I stand up, and its not wee, lol!

I am seeing GP friday anyway, they said I should to be sure.

Thanks for your reply.