View Full Version : advice needed, struggling to breathe

claire m
20-10-09, 15:50
hi, i have a cold and my chest is really tight which is making it painful when im breathing. i have a panic disorder and a big part of it is struggling to breathe, as you can imagine im finding this really traumatic and im panicking even more. i cant calm down and my body is so tense.
I dont know what to do? im really panicking. do you think i should call the doctor? i dont know what to do, i dont think he can help much really.
my husband is at work til 10 tonight so im alone with my kids and scared.:weep:

20-10-09, 16:16
if its that bad ring doctor see if you can speak to someone.. i think its panic over your cold and chest, i have same thing its rotten i sniff olbas oil helps me breath clears my nose don't know about you but hate having stuffed up nose and cater in chest ,try to be clam its only your fear making it worse love xxlet me know

20-10-09, 16:19
yes ring the doctor.. even for anxiety you dont really want to hyperventilate.. try breathing into a paper bag if you have one.. it may help a bit and you may be able to calm down that way... try not to worry.. we are here for you ... you arent alone.