View Full Version : Seem to be going backwards

20-10-09, 15:58
Hi everyone, its been a while since I have last posted as I thought well it seemed that I was finally able to cope with the constant nagging thoughts in my head that I am about to die from cancer every minute of everyday. But for the past week is excatly the same feeling as when I was firsted told I had Health Anxiety.

I keep getting shooting pains in my head normally my left side and today for about 2 seconds I was over come with dizzness like a wave going over me, needless to say I am now sitting here totally and utterly in pieces worrying that I have a brain tumour. I dont know what else these pains can mean. I have been getting the pains on and off for a while but I have managed to keep my worries at bay but today its hit me like a brick wall and I really dont know what to do. Cant think about anything else my life once again seems to be dominated by the constant thoughts of death and illness.

Thought I was getting better but now I am not so sure.

Please does anyone have any advice on what this all means ? I would really appreciate others thoughts.

20-10-09, 16:15

hope your okay. This happens to me a lot. Suddenly something that has been there for ages suddenly grips me with fear. I supposed then you too have realised that it is your mood that has changed and not the reality of the situation. It sounds like your a little stressed and therefor your mind set is in 'looking for a problem and a disaster somewhere' mode.

I think maybe if you find a way of improving your mood and lowering your stress levels, the preoccupation with your health will become smaller and normal life will get bigger again and more important again


21-10-09, 19:48
Hi, thanks for taking the time to reply. You are right I have never looked at it that way before but my anxiety does increase when I am feeling overwhelmed by other things. Seem to have calmed down a bit today, just tired of constantly fighting it, as I know we all are.

22-10-09, 10:36
I totally know what you mean, its so tiring living this way. Another way to look at it though is that I find that in other areas of life, when I start to get tired of doing something, it means that its time to either stop doing it, or view it in a different way. So maybe there is a part of you that has grown out of this HA and its only a habit that is left?

It like if I have nothing to look foward to sometimes going to work seems ilke such a bore.....but then If i feel good about something like, having extra money or going on holiday in a little while....going to work isnt quite as bad!

When ive got stuff to look forward to, HA becomes just a minor inconveniance and has less priority.

Hope your okay
