View Full Version : worried

agent orange
20-10-09, 16:38
Hi I just spoke to the doctors and he said some of my blood tests had slightly raised levels, two of which I am not worried about, but the third I am. He said my muscle enzyme count or what ever you call it was slightly raised. When I fist rang up about the results they said they were fine, but as I have been diagnosed with a somatoform disorder, he said he would go through them with me. What does that mean, is it a muscle wasting disease about to happen. He did not want retest or anything.I do not have any inflammatory markers, but my legs do ache,so I do not know what to think. Any ideas please if you know. I am not looking for any diagnoses and know that we cannot diagnose, but I am worried and just wished I had not pressed him for any details. Thankyou.

other symptoms blipping of nerves/muscles, not all the time.

20-10-09, 16:44
If they originally said your results were ok but then when you pressed him he tried to explain i really think you don't have anything to worry about.. often our different levels are slightly raised for all sorts of unworrying reasons but are still within acceptable levels.... did the doctor say you need any follow up to this?? If he didn't I would honestly try to forget about it.. If he did then next time you see him tell him you don't fully understand the implications of the raised levels and could be please explain what this means for you in the long run.

Most people with anxiety suffer twitching muscles etc and im sure that is why you are getting these twitches.

Take care
Mand : )

agent orange
20-10-09, 16:48
no he only said he would check the phospate/calcium problem. He said he has patients with much higher readings than mine, but if i was not worried i would not have posted, but thankyou kindly for your reply, much appreciated.

20-10-09, 16:56
It's interesting that in the last week or 2 of being diagnosed with somatization i have found 1 other person here suffering the same and now you agent orange that suffers with a somatoform disorder.

I am seeing the doctor tomorrow as i have aches in my upper arms, forearms and the twitches all over that come and go too.

I feel for you, i really do, i'm new to all this soma crap and it's peeing me off, i hope you find out what the raised levels are all about and that they are nothing to worry about - Gaz

20-10-09, 17:11

what is the difference beween somatization disorder and health anxiety? I thought that it was just a difference in drs terms for the same thing?


20-10-09, 17:23
I think its the same thing. Make an appt if you can and go in to talk to him and share your fear and have him explain the results properly. I find my doctor doesnt tell me anything and treats me horrible of my HA. Good luck

agent orange
20-10-09, 17:29
I think they are either the same, it is about symptoms that come out because of pscychological problems, but sometimes there is something wrong. I have undifferentiated Somatoform disorder and have had it a few years now, my doctor treats me well, but of course I feel ill because of it. I do not feel anxious all the time, but it apparently does not work that way anyway. If you want to learn about somatoform disorders check out my previous posts.