View Full Version : Chest Pain

20-10-09, 17:41
Hi all i was doing ok when my kids where off during summer hols.still not out much but coping.last tuesday had worst attack ever screamed ect.
as im housebound cant get to gps but pains in my chest have arms jaw have lasted since then scared im going to die.it does ease off when kids get home but im not coping at all still think im going to have a heart attack and im smoking way too much so beating myself up about that as well.sorry to go on but any advice welcome.

20-10-09, 17:47
I am sorry you are feeling bad. The smoking defintely wont help at all. Are you short of breath at all? It really sounds like panic or anxiety since it lets up when the kids are home. I know that feeling. I had surgery on the 8th and my daughter stayed home for a week with me and went back yesterday, my other two are at the sitters. I was anxious all day being alone yesterday. Maybe coming in here in the chat room or finding other ways to occupy our minds will help both of us. Anxiety can be a cruel thing and mimic many issues and since you do feel better sometimes and it does not continue chances are good that you are ok and just feeling anxious. Lots of hugs to you. I hope it gets better,

20-10-09, 17:51
thanks for replying so quickly i cant breath ect cough a lot but again im not as bad when kids are around im actually physically sick once they go to school its like im not going to see them again.i know i need to get a grip but really difficult.once again thank you for quick reply.hope your surgery went well hugs

20-10-09, 18:03
No problem. Just take nice long slow deep breaths through your nose and feel your stomach rise and then out through your nose. Practice that and it will help alot. I hope you stay well.

20-10-09, 18:08
thank you alison

21-10-09, 12:24
sounds to me like maybe you dont like being on your own and feel safer with someone around?Have you thought about doing things in the day (at home if you dont want to go out) that will make time pass.I wont go on about the smoking, as we all know thats no ideal for anyone.But how about getting some relaxation CD's and doing some meditation, or taking care of yourself by having a lovely warm bath, that will do wonders for relaxation.Anxiety is a nuisance and everytihg people suggests is easier said than done but at least try. good luck

21-10-09, 15:02
a Few things you can do for your heart.

Take liquid fish oil daily(or cod liver oil), atleast 1-2 grams
Take amino acids Lysine and Proline]
Take an antioxidant called Pycnogenol 3 times daily
Take Coenzyme Ql0 ( expensive but effective)

Take atleast 3 grams of Vitamin c Daily , more if you need .
All animals except for humans and a few other species, create and synthesize Vitamin C in their bodies, several thousand milligrams per day. Vitamin C is essential for Collagen production , which is the most important substance for your cardiovascular System. The RDA is 128 mg's per day, which is the bare minimum to protect you from scurvey. But this still isn't nearly enough to keep your cardiovascular system in optimum health, overtime insufficient vitamin c intake will damage your arterial walls, greatly increase heart attack risk, and your chance for CAD .more info here

The best information you can find for heart health.

Quit smoking...as well