View Full Version : Panic Attack Came On after very small pain in head

20-10-09, 22:49
Hi All,

Some of you may be aware that i post alot ..lol.

Well update on where i am, decided to come of Citalopram 3 days ago, and apart from the odd bit of anxiety i feel much better coming off them. The reason i did was cos i was really anxious on them, must admit not had many thoughts over these 3 days compared to being on them.

Just about 2 minutes ago, i had a small pain in the back of my head, i was lying down, however this made me really anxious and i could feel the start of a panic attack coming. Has this happened to anyone else ie head pain ?


20-10-09, 23:32
Hi Chardless,

It happens to me all the time you know how nearly everyone who has panic attacks has certain things that can set their anxiety of well for me its anything to do with my head headaches, sharp pains, dizziness etc its horrible but i am coming to terms with it and im sure you will to it probably has something to do with coming off the meds aswell.
You said that citroplam was making you more anxious have you tried propranolol it may not be the same for everyone but it has worked really well for me and it might help you!!!

Take care
Hannah x x

20-10-09, 23:36
Hi Kevin,

This happens to me all the time, for example if I'm sitting and my leg feels a bit heavy, I jump up convinced i've got a clot or something! Panic stations right away.

For the first time I actually fought an attack off about 10 mins ago by being sarcastic "oh, here comes the sweaty hands and feet (don't know if anyone else gets that, or am I just weird? lol), spose it'll be the fast heart next" and the attack just went away. Hurrah (for now)

20-10-09, 23:43
Hi thanks for the comments, Hannah - im trying to sort this without meds, i had my 1st attack and within a day i was on citalopram, so i have never had anytime without them, and to be honest i think a bit clearer, and my anxious thoughts are about 10% of what they were while on meds.

I also do that with attacks, i actually follow the fear and get the attack to do something stronger and when it does i ask it to do it again but stronger, this way it cant get any stronger and then dies off. \this has helped a huge amount. Its trust you have to trust that nothing will happen to you (which it never does) once you get that the attacks just dwindle away.

Best thing i have done coming off medication. Plus all the support from you all thanks x