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View Full Version : Blip After Pizza???

04-11-05, 02:30
Hi guys
I've been on LEXAPRO (Cipralex) for 7 weeks now and the last twice I've had pizza I've had a major blip the next day.
Anyone else had anything similar?

Don't believe everything you think.

04-11-05, 06:31
Hey Phil!
I have an idea! Pizza is VERY high in sodium content!!! It may be spiking your blood pressure!

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

04-11-05, 08:51
Good thought but I checked it and it was fine. I was wondering if there was some sort of stimulant in it eg. caffeine

Don't believe everything you think.

04-11-05, 09:31
Actually its funny you should say that, I sometimes don't feel great after pizza.

I used to feel really bloated and unwell which then led to me feeling panicky.

I've sorted it out now by eating half the amount of pizza I used to do and making up the other half with salad. Problem solved.

I addressed my eating habits a few years ago in a big way as I really felt it wasn't helping. I think as we get older (don't know how old you are but I'm ancient) even if we don't have anxiety we just cant eat or 'drink' like we did as kids. I only have one drink and I'm drunk these days (cheap to take out though lol).

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

04-11-05, 12:41
I can't eat Pizza it upsets my stomach to much.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X

05-11-05, 04:31
Another suggestion Phil..
Ever notice how pizza makes you REALLY thirsty? That is due to the sodium content. You might be getting dehydrated after. Try drinking loads of fluids or adding a salad!

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)