View Full Version : Off-balance

21-10-09, 08:37
Anyone feel off-balance when they get up in the morning? It's a daily occurrrence now and lasts all day. I don't know what to do. Doctor says it's anxiety. I dread getting up but have to go to work.

21-10-09, 09:11
Yep I'm always off balance and dizzy and light-headed! It's awful! Don't worry you're not alone on that one. I think I have every symptom in the book!

21-10-09, 09:25
I second that Bub, I feel exactly the same everyday as soon as I get up and it does stop me from getting out and about and enjoying my life.:weep:

Its my main symptom really and causes me a lot of anxiety.

21-10-09, 12:49
Today i feel like i cant concentrate as my head is very light and I cant look at something without it feeling like it's shaking!

21-10-09, 13:52
Hey Bub, just wanted to let you know I also had this for about 6 months, it was the worst symptom I had and lasted the longest because of how scared I was of it. From he time I would wake up till bed I would feel off balance and when I walked I felt like I was walking to the right side all the time. I was lightheaded. I had every test done and of course it was anxiety, but I didnt want to believe it. It will get better for you. It takes a lot of patience with this one because who wants their sense of balance messed with? The fear is horrible. Please know that you wont fall over or faint, I never did, it just felt like it. It will go away, and if I can help with this one please let me know. Take care andyou can do this.

21-10-09, 14:01
I'm fairly new to this site and was amazed at how many people actually suffer with the same symptom.
Bad day today.

21-10-09, 14:07
i get it too,it is the worst feeling that and feeling breathless:hugs::hugs::hugs:

21-10-09, 14:32
Thanks so much to those of you who replied. I honestly thought, until I read the posts on this website, that these symptoms couldn't just be anxiety.
I am afraid of feeling off-balance. It's all I think about from the moment I wake up. I also walk to the right hand side - but so do many more people so I'm not alone.
I must learn to have a little more patience!

21-10-09, 16:11
Hello :)

I used to feel off balance to, i was so obsessed with it i would daily do balance tests like stand on one leg things like that to reassure myself, i found the more obsessed i became about it, the worst i was!!

I would walk to work in the morning and think carefully about my footing which in its self made me more clumsy.

It is definately anxiety hun :) you are not alone in this symptom and you may find if you worry about it less it will improve.

Take Care xxx

21-10-09, 18:03
This only seems to come on for me later in the day when I've been awake for some time

Goes away as soon as i lay in bed with the lights out and TV on

21-10-09, 21:14
omg yes i get it randomly too especially first thing in the morning when i wake up and get out of bed i find myself walking into the walls its lasts a while then it will go away..thankgod.. I dont like it and it does frighten me when it happens.