View Full Version : One more tiny brack threw with my 6y daughter

04-11-05, 07:55
The last week hase been quiet surreal with with my 6 year daughter since I she said to me maybe she'd be better of dead and i sat her down her down and her ask where that cam from and told her that mummy has weird things in her head so nothing she told me would seem silly to mummy. She been talking more instead of screaming and playing power struggle game's with me. This has been the first major brack threw in while with her behaviour but tonight she decided to test me again for what eva reason cause i thought we were having a great afternoon together with a sucsessfull birthday party for her teddies. By sucsessfull i mean no bad mood no bad words nothing but smile and co-operation and I was sitting there looking at my kids thinking where did my kids go did some alian come and swap them lol (joking). It is alway amazing to see to my kids just get alone with no negative hicup's happening. Thay have proberly only got alone that well as group together mybe 3 time before in there life and thay are 9y 8y 6y. That's no joke what so eva i have never eva tolerated not getting alone ect but I have have little sucsess with getting them to co-operate.

Back to willow my 6y she decide to chanleng me on cleaning her room and was not listening to anything i had to say or any threat to go bed early or ban her from Tv you name i had not luck what so ever so i put her out side to calm down cause she would not stay in her room. The attenstion seeking behaviour as this was tonight but it not alway the same silly behaviour went on she finaly decide to come in and do her room. This was an extreamly easy night with no violence. That dosen't alway make it easy to get her to co-operate thoe she very stubbon. Any way i then asked her to put her clothes away and I know people disagree with I ask my kids to do that not just people on this site it's also people close to me but I have my expectaion based on age and if thay can do it thay should as I strongly beleive that kids need to at least learn to be responciable for them self and if thay are able to do thay should. It's not hard to put clothes in a draw at all I fold them thay just have to open the dram put the clothes in and shut the draw althought thay often forget to close the draw lol. She refused to put her clothes away and i thought here we go againg I tred all the normal threat's that have never worked in the past but i still use in hops she will figure out one day I'm not giving in to her which i never do but dosn't seem to effect her what so eva. Then I thought it's a long shot but just maybe it might work she been letting me tuck her in with out a tantrum the last 3 night's (which has been heaven like you wouldn't beleive) so I said I wont tuck you in tonight and a talk with you like the fue nights(I hate using threat's of taking loving family thing away like hugs ect) but to my surprise she said sorry mum i dont do that please dont. So I told her well if the clothes are not alway before bed i will not tuck you in tonight and she wan't budging and was thinking here we go this still wont work but i sat down next to her basket and said well you need to help me sort your clothes out and then you can put them in the draw and normal that never work's normaly we could sit there for hour's together and she still wouldn't start to help. I would normaly have to leave the room after telling her i dont help again till i see that you've dont X amout your self and that normal cause her to scream to house down or anoy some one on some level. But tonight to my amazing surprise she started helping right away and we got it donw real fast and i told her how proud i was of her ect and now it was it her turn to put the clothes in her draw and she grummbled a little and said well i be back to see your progress soon and when i come back she was doing it with a smile she was even neating up what already in her draw i was so shocked and when I praise her she didn't stop what she was doing well she just kept going.

I'm in shock right now i really am I this is amazing for daughter even for a good day

04-11-05, 12:16
Aww that's brill - so pleased for you.

Love Piglet:D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

04-11-05, 13:13
that is so good. i am pleased that you have made some progress with her.

and what a beautiful name she has, it must be hard for you to try and tell her off, I bet she is a real cutie and has that butter wouldn't melt thing going on.

well done!
