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21-10-09, 10:12
Hey gang its Austin for the last couple of days ive noticed my speech and understanding skills like the words are geting mashed up and stuff are going and right now i will say something and the wrong words might come out and i fell have to force the word out of my mouth i dont think its stroke or anything because im 14 and been to hospital over anxitey for heart atack and stroke and they said im to young and everything can i fix this problem?

21-10-09, 12:46
Im doing the same thing I keep stuttering and mess words up constantly lately. It's all part of anxiety

21-10-09, 13:01
This does not seem like anxitey dude i fell messed in the head.I keep saying the wrong things

21-10-09, 14:57
Me too :(

21-10-09, 15:05
When I had the height of my anxiety...I could not remember words, I had problems with stuttering (a problem I haven't had since I was a little kid), forgetting what I was saying mid sentence, saying the wrong word when I meant something else. I am older than you, but I was scared out of my mind that I was having a stroke.

It is amazing how burnt out your nerves and brain cells get when you are constantly anxious. You said you have been to the doctor already and they said you have no issues, right?

22-10-09, 09:04
Yeh they think im fine i had a ct scan done it said nothing seems to be wrong but i just dont know im actuly waiting to die at the moment im done trying to conveince people that theres a problem but no one takes me serious so i dont know see what happend im not afraid anymore if i die i die cant change anything people die every min.

22-10-09, 11:55
Hey Bukenda

Why are you trying to convince people that there is something wrong? People, especially i nthe medical profession work on fact, not on the patients fear and worries. Therefore you will not be aboe to persuade your dr to think with your health anxiety. Whould you really want them to anyway!!!

Your okay sweetheart, keep busy doing nice things


22-10-09, 12:58
Because maybie if i conveince them they will se the truth that there is something wrong with and get me the help i need. Look at all the crap ive eatin over the years im surprised i wasint dead 2 years ago.

22-10-09, 13:04
Because maybie if i conveince them they will se the truth that there is something wrong with and get me the help i need. Look at all the crap ive eatin over the years im surprised i wasint dead 2 years ago.

Aw, you dont need to convince them honestly, they would see it them self if it was true. You need to doubt yourself a little here, there is a very large chance that you are wrong!!

I eat crap all the time.....thats normal!!


22-10-09, 14:45
Well i dont know my ct scan came up as normal but i beg to differ and im still think my heart is going out on me i just cant help it .

22-10-09, 14:48
Aw, you dont need to convince them honestly, they would see it them self if it was true. You need to doubt yourself a little here, there is a very large chance that you are wrong!!

I eat crap all the time.....thats normal!!

But can anxitey cause my speech to become strange and me remembering words dificult today i could not find the word instruction i just couldent and yesterday i couldent remember my docs name and i fell like i dont understand what people say around me could be anxiousnes or could be stroke i just dont know

22-10-09, 17:08
I'm going to be completely honest with you...My sister is a nurse and has seen many patients with heart problems and people presenting with stroke. None of the things you have mentioned point to that. Strokes and aneurysms and clots show up on CT scans.

22-10-09, 21:46
It would be extremely, extremely unlikely for you to have a stroke at your age from what I know. Stress can play major havoc on your whole body and mind, I've had all sorts of weird symptoms over the years. I'm sure you are fine, especially if you have had tests.

22-10-09, 21:54

The first thing that strikes me is that at your age you should be enjoying life. What's making you so anxious? Do you have someone you can talk to about it? Don't worry about the speech and understanding people thing - that's anxiety making you feel like that. It'll pass. Apart from the hospital tests, etc. is your doctor giving you any help with your anxiety? Your hormones will be all over the place as well. Try not to worry and get out and about and lift your mind. I hope you feel better soon.
Take care
Myra :)

23-10-09, 11:04
I dont know being overweight most of my life might have something to do with it so you are saying that numbnes in legs chest pain left arm pain and pins and needles can be caused by anxiousnes alll my cts say im fine my bp is normal my cholestrol was fine last year i just dont know anymore i hate this pain the other night i shut my eyes and said to my self when i was thinking i was having a heart atack "Just give out and end it all you stupid heart" It breaks my heart to think that but its true i just think im going to die all the time im never happy im always sad and i spend all my life worrying sometimes my whole town will fell like a dif planet and place unfimilya everythinghs its a darn nightmare and im sick of it and i can fell my pulse everywere loudly and painfully i must have high BP

23-10-09, 15:06
Yes, all these symptoms sound like anxiety! Don't beat yourself up about being overweight - you are not commiting a crime! Some people also overeat when anxious as well. Are you maybe being bullied at school because of this? Is this maybe why you are feeling so anxious? Having had all the tests you sound like a perfectly healthy boy who is over-anxious. Your doctor can give you help with this in the short term. In the long term try to think more of yourself, keep yourself busy, look after yourself and eventually you'll see light at the end of the tunnel. :yesyes:

23-10-09, 16:04
thanks myra i just get all bad symptoms im so scared i right out death notes incase i do die

24-10-09, 11:57
This is anxiety!

My anxiety was pretty bad yesterday. Nothing felt real and I kept getting all my words mixed up when I was talking to my friend. It was scary but eventually I managed to calm myself (it took from about 8 in the morning til about 6 in the evening to calm myself though)

Have you thought about going on medication for your anxiety?

24-10-09, 14:48
Right now im not even anxious im depresed and mopey and i have these chest pains and dizynes and last night and the night before my left arm was insanley numb and couldent moove it left but im sure it was a TIA and Now im calm as and my heart is so loud chest pain my voice seems loud in my ears and everything My doc wont help me My dad wont help me And the hospital wont help me im all alone in my worrys and fears and symptoms

24-10-09, 16:08
Your dad might not be able to help because he doesn't understand anxiety and how bad you are feeling:lac:. I don't understand why the doctor can't help you - even if he knows all your test results are normal he must realise that you need a wee bit of help just now. Why don't you have a word with your dad again and explain exactly how you are feeling. It's not fair that you are feeling like this. Has something happened that you can't speak to anyone about? Try and open up to your dad if you can.