View Full Version : shaking

21-10-09, 10:45
Yesterday I was holding a piece of paper and it was shaking so badly where my hands and whole body were shaking so much so that people noticed.
I can feel my pulse all through my body and it's awful. I can't concentrate on anything - I can't believe this is all happening again.

21-10-09, 11:23
I am so sorry to hear it has gotten so bad your body is reacting
are you seeking medical help?

21-10-09, 18:13
The same happens to me when speaking in front of people - the embarrassment of people being able to see me shake also makes it worse. Its nice to know other people have the same experiences, it always feels as though no-one else has a problem giving presentations and speaking in front of a group. Have you ever found anything that seems to help? x

21-10-09, 21:18
yes it happens to me sometimes too when im out even just in a que in a shop and when its my turn to pay if i feel a bit stressed and people are waiting my hands start to shake and i become all fingers and thumbs..its all anxiety related.

22-10-09, 14:43
I'm on medication - have been on it for years before and just started again. I've got tinnitus too this time and have started listening to relaxation sounds and white noise which helps a bit but I just find I can't cope and it's hard to even look to the future to when things may be better.
You have your worries which are bad enough but then you get so anxious about them it makes you sick and then you feel even worse - it's like a viscious circle.

Desprate Dan
22-10-09, 14:46
I get this from time to time a trembling through out my body, i have noticed it more when sat alone or whilst eating with others my hands start to shake terribly, i guess its just another one of the nasty Anxiety symptoms...


22-10-09, 14:46
I is definately a vicious circle
You are doing the right things with your distraction..... i some time get the shages but remember they are just annoying NOT life threatening

Best wishes