View Full Version : Desperate is the word I think.

21-10-09, 12:26
Hi, I have anxiety, well so i am told....
Not really believing in it at the moment.:huh:
I have had these feelings for over a year now.
I've been looking on here for some help, but it's not helping, i think it is making it worse reading that people have felt like I do now for 15 - 20 yrs!!

I have had counselling - twice. Had a consultation with a psychiatrist. Had anxiety management classes. Nothing worked and I can see it getting worse and theres nothing I can do to stop it!
I was victim of armed robbery twice at the beginning of last yr and the Dr says it all stems from that. He has given up on me now, (not that I ever got the impression he gave a s**t in the 1st place).
I was fine after being robbed, and have since moved 300miles from the area it happened in.

I am not the same person I used to be. Not at all.

I am debating hypnotherapy but as i am no longer at work its hard to find a spare £150 for the sessions.....

I NEED to get back to work.
This is ruining my life. I'm 26 now. Got nothing to show for it.
I dont go out, I am miserable. I rely on other people WAY too much now. I spend my days in a haze, confused at even simple tasks.
Some days I cannot even get out of bed as I am sooo dizzy.
I'm covered in bruises where I have walked into things or fell over. The last one being a lump on my head where I blacked out in the kitchen and cracked my skull of the tiled floor. That hurt!
The week before I spent in bed as i fell down the stairs and hurt my back so couldnt move! That was just dizzyness...

This week its all getting too much for me and it feels like everyone is sick of me. Well i'm sick of me!!
Instead of going to bed on an evening wishing to wake up normal I have started wishing I would just not wake up at all.

I have tried talking to my boyfriend about this and he had to take me to work with him the other day because I was scaring him so much with the rubbish what was coming out of my mouth.

I am sorry for going on a bit, but I am out of ideas, and so down at the moment and I dont like it.

Desperate is the word I think.:unsure: