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View Full Version : Anybody had tamiflu?

21-10-09, 12:42
I've had flu symptoms since Saturday, just things like a temperature, (it was between 38-39) sore throat, blocked nose, cough, and I'm really tired. I got a authorisation code to get tamiflu off the flu service but today i've woken up feeling a little better..although my temperature keeps swapping between 37 and 38. My boyfriend is going to pick the tamiflu up for me today but I wondered how those of you that took it reacted to it? Im really worried about the side effects as I dont wanna make myself feel worse. I also dont know whether to bother taking it, I have a pretty rubbish immune system so I guess its wise but I'm really not sure!

Veronica H
24-10-09, 10:02
Hi April

I took Tamiflu within 48hrs of getting the flu and I believe it helped. I went down with the flu very quickly though and my glands were very swollen overnight and temperature rageing. Only you can make the decision of course. I hope you feel better soon.


01-11-09, 23:35
our whole house was prescribed Tamiflu. After one dose I stopped it for the kids etc. The main side effect is nausea and vomitting which they had and it made them much more miserable than what the flu was doing so I figured it wasnt worth it. Once I stopped it they felt much much better