View Full Version : Has anyone ever recovered from having health anxiety ?

sarah jayne
21-10-09, 14:30
Hi all, im feeling really down today. I havent been well since july with one thing after another. At the moment ive got alot of pain in my chest due to having consticondritis ( i hope its that anyway !) Its really sore and t hurts to breathe. I cant help worrying that its something serious. I havent been to the doctors as im sick of having to go all the time and im due to go in hospital next week for some injections in it so hopefully i'll be pain free from then. I wish i didnt suffer from health anxiety, im sick of worrying about dying every day ! Has anyone every recovered from having health anxiety ?
Sarah x

21-10-09, 14:49
Like you i am also feeling down. My health Anxiety went away for a while , i found that eating very healthy and supplementing the right vitamins/minerals helps alot, this took away my disease fears. I do alot of research on orthomolecular medicine in my spare time , and when you put things into perspective , it is hard to imagine contracting a disease when you are doing everything healthy. Even if you do , there are natural and alternative cures for a large majority of ailments. Doing something your spare time to take your mind of life is a good thing too. My anxiety was greatly helped by World OF WArcraft, and now i am playing counterstrike again. Games help ALOT . I would also recommend doing some research on death, and what happens when you die..more specifically DMT . When you have a better understanding of death, and that every living thing will eventually biologically die, and become more accepting of this fact, you will not fear death as much. Why be scared of something that is meant to happen ? It is our purpose to die. For me the thing causing the Health anxiety is this derealization/lightheaded feeling, which has come back in full force in the last few days...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDLGJJhmNdQ .. wach this on DMT " the spirit molecule " in the brain

21-10-09, 15:08
I dont know if HA ever totally goes away but can fade into the distance. In my case, I have gone through long periods of time when I have been ok and just very mildly concerned about health issues. then wham, back it comes.

Hang on in there until your hospital appointment next week. I hope you get sorted out.

21-10-09, 16:54
I think we can learn coping techniques, which help us to live with HA; CBT can be particularly useful, and it is defnitely worthwhile asking your doctor if you can be referred for some treatment. I have suffered with health anxiety for many years, fortunately I am now much more in control, but it does fluctuate, obviously stress can be a factor. Being able to share your anxieties, and knowing other people can totally relate to your condition does offer some comfort since it is a very distressing condition to deal with and can be very isolating. I hope all goes well for you at the hospital, and you will be feeling better soon.

margaret jones
21-10-09, 19:36
Hi all, im feeling really down today. I havent been well since july with one thing after another. At the moment ive got alot of pain in my chest due to having consticondritis ( i hope its that anyway !) Its really sore and t hurts to breathe. I cant help worrying that its something serious. I havent been to the doctors as im sick of having to go all the time and im due to go in hospital next week for some injections in it so hopefully i'll be pain free from then. I wish i didnt suffer from health anxiety, im sick of worrying about dying every day ! Has anyone every recovered from having health anxiety ?
Sarah x
Hi Sarah i to suffer from health anxiety and costolchondritis because of the area where the pain is i find this very scary at times but have had it so long think well if it was something else it would have developed by now Ican not tolerate anti inflamitory med so rely on paracetomol which give some relief .What is the injection for ? is it for Costochondritis ?i am interested in wwhat it is and hope it gives u relief xxxx Maggie

21-10-09, 19:46
Hi Sarah

I have just about overcome HA after the best part of ten years. I still have the "odd" bad day but in the main I have gone from terrified to more or less living a "normal" (whatever that is) life.

My own successful treatments (after trying many) were plain old exercise and guidance from Claire Weekes Self Help Books.

So in a nutshell, don't feel like it will be like this forever, many many people have learned to overcome it.

Remember this, anxiety is how we think initially, this leads to how we feel. Once you can accept anxiety for what it is, it gets easier.



22-10-09, 17:45
I think one problem with your quetion is the people who do 'get better' arent on the site anymore, fantastic site as it is , I have to be honest and say I use it as and when, perhaps wrong but when I feel good the last thing I want to do is be reminded of my Health Anxiety, so I think you may be asking a question that can only be answered by people who arent here, if that makes sense.

22-10-09, 17:56
Chrismascray. You have a point. I too don't visit here when I am feeling ok but only when I need help myself. Is that selfish?

22-10-09, 18:02
I think it is natural, who wants to be reminded if and when we feel well, the last thing I want is a memory of the 'bad times' if you have had a bad holiday, you dont go to the same place again to warn others do you, selfish ? perhaps, but I hope understandable.

22-10-09, 18:19
Hi All

You can get over HA
I had it so bad i called an ambulace... i was convinced i was having a heart attack
i have had cancer (imagined) brain heamorage (imagined)

But after some CBT and advice from some of you guys i am now fine (for a few months now)
so my answer is YES you can beat it so never give up trying

best wishes

sarah jayne
09-11-09, 12:54
Ive woken up today an deccided ive had enough of anxiety controlling my life. I had the injections in my chest last week and they have made it worse, i woudnt recommend it, i was admitted to hospital over the weekend because of the pain i was in. Whilst i was there they did an ecg and it was fine. I am just going to have to get used to being in pain and get it through to my head that just because i am in chronic pain every day doesnt mean im dying. it might be hard but i am determined to beat this and get my life back ! x

09-11-09, 13:30
Well said

You are so brave we are ll proud of you
go and take your life back x

09-11-09, 15:36
Oh good for you Sarah Jayne. Thats totally the right attitude to take. Wish I could do the same. Good luck

sarah jayne
09-11-09, 15:41
Thanks, im going to try my best but i'll probably be begging for help soon lol x

09-11-09, 16:23
I am having health anxiety at the moment i suffered a miscarriage 7 weeks ago lost half my blood and almost died i was soooo very frightened now plus i had an allergic reaction to amoxocillin 10 days ago thought i was going to die, i have several health problems going on and think omg why is this happening to me. Spent this morning in A&E for a hemorroid to be checked i had panic attack whilst there doctors sent me away with some treatment for it as over the counter remedies are not working. I am very very worried about my health now feel tired and drained.

sarah jayne
10-11-09, 18:34
boobs1967 your not alone. For the past 2 1/2 years ive been constantly ill.I know how you feel, if you ever need a chat then pm me Hope your feeling a bit better x