View Full Version : Trying to remain in control, but should I be panicking??

21-10-09, 15:19
Hi, I am a HA sufferer and trying desperatly to get it under control. I was doing ok until I have had the worst cold and cough and generally been feeling rotten. A few days into the cold I noticed what I think are my lymph nodes had swollen to about grape size (much bigger than a pea!) under my jaw bone next to my oesophagus on both sides.

I am still feeling rubbish, very tired and have ear ache and still blowing my nose. and the glands are still swollen, been like this for over a week now. Should I be worried or is this normal when your under the weather? Throat cancer is one of my biggest fears so this hasn't helped!

Thanks in advance

21-10-09, 15:30
Have you been to the doctor? I have been told before that it can take several weeks for lymph nodes to go down after being sick.

21-10-09, 15:37
I haven't been to the doctor yet. I am hoping its JUST a cold and the swollen nodes are a side effect. I am trying really hard not to run to the doctor with every little worry (like I have been for the last year!). Just looking for a bit of reassurance and be good to hear from other people who have experienced anythin similar.

I know I can't get a diagnosis on here but it does help to hear other peoples experiences and I can try and rationalise my fears!

Thankyou for your quick reply

21-10-09, 15:43
Well if its any consolation, I have a grape sized lymph node on the right side of my head, right at the base of my head. I went to the doctor yesterday and its a sinus infection.

According to my sister (a nurse), lymph nodes can swell because of colds, flu, sinuses. She said it can take up to a month for them to go down (especially if you have one of those colds with the nagging cough that just won't go away). If it doesn't go down by then, checking with your doctor would be good, just to make sure you don't need any meds to make the infection go away entirely.

21-10-09, 16:36
That is good to know. When I am feeling reasonable I am sure the swollen lymph nodes are just caused by the horrible code and cough. When I am not feeling quite so reasonable (like now) I am sure it must be something terrible! The joys of HA!

21-10-09, 16:37
Hello jinglebells,

It doesn't take much to tip the balance with this awful health anxiety does it, but I think you have done really well trying to rationalise your thoughts.

Having suffered a really bad cold and cough, which still hasn't totally cleared is Certain to be the reason why your glands are up, and it does take time for them to come down again, so please don't worry. It might be you still have some infection, especially with your ear ache, so I also think it would be a good idea to see the doctor in a week or so, if you are still suffering, Not because it is anything sinister, but because you might need some medication to rid yourself of any infection.:hugs:

21-10-09, 21:01
Thankyou Rosie and sleepless, at times I still struggle to get perspective on things. Really helps when I get a bit of reassurance. I am sure you are right and it is down to this horrible lingering cold. It helps to hear someone else say they also think that is the case.

If this ear ache and cough don't go soon I may be running off to the doctors before the week is up.

Thamks again for your kind words

J x