View Full Version : so tired with this

claire m
21-10-09, 17:30
i hate this im so tired of it, i have no energy left to fight.
each time i try i just get knocked back down. not by anyone or anything
just me the way i am, the way i think.

sarah jayne
21-10-09, 17:59
I feel the same at the moment. Your not on your own x

21-10-09, 18:03
Hello Claire,

I completely understand what you are saying..I feel sometimes that I haven't got any more strenght in me to go on and fight something that seems to be so strong and seem to rule my life...when I am low I think I can't do this anymore that 's it I am done..but then something nice might happen..silly thing like seeing my cat..or have a laugh with a friend...and it is then that I think ..no I can't give up yet what if one day I will be actually free of the anxiety ..what if...?
Try and fidn the strenght somewhere life is horrible at times but also beautiful others ..so don't give in and keep fighting...:bighug1:
Send me a pm when you feel low I will be happy to support you :)
You are not alone in this
Take care

21-10-09, 19:50
Hi Claire,
I know just how you feel. I really have had enough of all this too. My energy has gone and the thought of every day being like this for ever more is too much to bear.

I know deep down that I have to keep going as my lovely family would be distraught without me and I do love them to bits. I just want to be well and able to enjoy their futures and my own.

Here's hoping that strength will come back to us all and we will be able to continue the struggle.


22-10-09, 05:16
Hi Claire,

We know how you feel. The feelings can be very overwhelming... and sometimes not. Often i personally feel like an empty shell of a human being, void of all emotion and programmed to go onto auto pilot. The fight is very hard and it feels as though life is passing you buy so fast and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Believe us hun, you wont feel like this every day. You'll always find strength from somewhere even if it's just a little.

Hang in there, tomorrow is a new day... :)


claire m
23-10-09, 08:37
thankyou everyone for your replys, they mean so much to me xx

23-10-09, 09:02

Energy left to fight? Now that is probably why you feel so depleted. And I know exactly what you mean, been there, T shirt and all that ;)

If you stand back and look at anxiety and depression through anxiety, all it is in it's basic form is a natural human reaction that's gone a bit haywire and starts to overwhelm you to the extent that any little problem, thought or task has you spiralling into thoughts and feelings and ultimately leads to feelings of despair that you are saddled with this for life.

And what adds to this? fighting. When you fight your feelings (I must pull myself together, why am I like this? how come everyone else is getting on with their lives and I have this to deal with?) then this thought process adds to those horrible (harmless) adrenaline type chemicals whizzing around your body making you more sensitised.

Now, if you can replace fighting with acceptance, and this "oh well, bad anxiety day, been here before, and got through it" and start to accept how you feel as just anxiety, in time the anxiety will have less of an impact.

Not sure if you have read Claire Weekes (I think it's on the NMP bookshop) but if you can absorb and adopt her comments (not easy when anxious, but very effective) then in time the anxiety should diminish.

I would never comment on something I haven't tried , but I must say, after reading Claire Weekes and having her audio in my car, and along with exercise too, I got a lot better than any other method I had tried.

If you haven't already, I would recommend a read.

Hope you have a few better days



claire m
24-10-09, 11:42
thanks jaco i talked about this with my therapist yesterday and you are right i fight so hard against it and its exhausting.
I had a terrible night last night with a poorly child and the anxiety was high this morning so instead of trying to fight it off, i just thought to myself 'here we go again i really have no time for this right now so lets get it over with haha' it felt good.

anx mum
24-10-09, 11:57
How r u today? Feel the same too hun get really down ur not on ur own.