View Full Version : Anti Depressents ( Coming off them soon and main worries )

21-10-09, 17:33
Okay this is my most frightful subject so far so please help me!

Okay so i'm on Prozac a liquid anti depressent, im on the smallest dose at the moment, but i just looked up the info about it, please just read i need to see what you all think!

General Side Effects.

Sensitivity to sunlight
Weight loss
Diarrhoea and stomach upsets
Being sick (vomiting)
Difficulty swallowing
Change in taste or dry mouth
Liver problems
Sleep problems or unusual dreams
Poor appetite
Unusually high mood
Uncontrollable movements
Fits (seizures)
Extreme restlessness
Untypical wild behaviour
Confusion, agitation and anxiety
Not being able to think or concentrate properly
Panic attacks
Difficulty passing water (urine) or passing water more often
Poor sexual performance
Prolonged erection of the penis
Production of breast milk (galactorrhoea)
Sore throat
Shortness of breath
Lung problems
Hair loss
Reduced growth in children and adolescents
Blurred sight (vision)
Unexplained bruising or bleeding
Hot flushes
Feeling dizzy when you stand up
Joint or muscle pain
Low levels of sodium in the blood (detected by blood testing)

If any of these persist or you consider them severe then inform your doctor or pharmacist.

Tell your doctor immediately if you develop any of the following symptoms:

Rash or other allergic reactions such as itching, swollen lips or face or shortness of breath (if this happens stop taking fluoxetine immediately)
Skin turns red or starts to blister or peel
Unexplained fever with faster breathing or heart rate, stiff muscles or tremor and changes in your mental state such as confusion, irritability and feeling very agitated (these symptoms may be associated with the very rare serotonin or neuroleptic malignant syndrome)
Restlessness and unable to sit or stand still (akathisia)
Weakness, drowsiness or confusion (most common in elderly people and those taking water tablets also known as diuretics)
Long and painful erection of the penis
Feeling irritable and very agitated
Thoughts of suicide and worsening of depression or anxiety (this can be more common in younger patients, including children, than in older patients)

You may experience some side effects when you stop taking fluoxetine including:

Pins and needles
Sleep problems (dreams, nightmares and difficulty sleeping)
Feeling restless or agitated
Feeling unusually tired or weak
Feeling anxious
Feeling or being sick (nausea and vomiting)

Im so scared, about what ive got myself into, the only side effects ivr had since is..

Sensitivity to sunlight
Weight loss
Diarrhoea and stomach upsets
Being sick (vomiting)
Difficulty swallowing
Hot flushes
Poor appetite
Unusually high mood
Sore throat
Shortness of breath

Okay. So this is scareing me now!
I feel as if im stuck on them!

What would you do? :weep:

07-11-09, 23:33
Don't fret. You may be very sensitive to Prozac, or and you might be blaming the drug because the way you feel is listed in the side effects.
Remind yourself why you are on Prozac and what you felt like before. Sometimes the symptoms we feel going on to a drug are the same as those listed with the side effects. That's why it's worth giving the drug a try... keep a brief note of how you feel and if you feel different at various parts of the day. You can then discuss this with your Dr.
Ask youself if you are worrying about this because you worry anyway. If so try to let the worry go...

08-11-09, 19:28
hi, i take 60mg aday of prozac, i havnt noticed any side affects and have been on it some time, i never read side affects, because if i did i would have them all, dont read them. i dint really look at wot you had written on side affects, but noticed weight loss, ( i wish )
i get anxious when i am put on mew mes , your not alone. and take in what pat said, she right.

put some trust in it.


08-11-09, 22:47
All I can say is that a few years ago I took Lustral for 6 months then came off them pretty quick and had no side affects. Maybe I was just lucky.

08-11-09, 22:56
Remember they legally have to post every little thing. Prozac is one of the better tolerated meds. I really dont think it is a good idea for you to come off it. Dont do it unless your doctor tells you too and gives you another script. You have been going through way to hard of a time and I think right now meds are necessary for you. Please dont worry about the side effects, even the medications we take for simple headaches or colds have alot of side effects listed.