View Full Version : After some words of wisdom

21-10-09, 20:34
Hi folks, to cut a long story short I have been having weird heads for weeks now since I had flu/chest infection, started when I was coughing and doc thinks its muscular(although doc thinks Im also now stressn about them), recently its been more like the pins and needles/tingly feeling, mainly over one side of the head and occassionaly over cheek bone, anyhow last couple of days Im sure my tongue/mouth/chin etc feel like this as well, so now Im totally paranoid, could it be Im stressing over the heads and this is anxiety symptoms?? also I had never thought of anything like MS till I read some threads on here with people mentioning it so now feeling totally stressed.

Is there anyone out there who could maybe let me know wot there thoughts are????


Shaz x

21-10-09, 21:21
Hey Shaz,
Sorry you are still feeling anxious about your head feelings, mine have came back again today!!! Exactly how you describe......tingly feelings, i have this in my left cheek too, im feeling very anxious again about it also, so i know how your feeling hun.
Sorry im not much help!!!! Just thought id let u know i know how u feel, and im here if u need to chat.
Take care
Debs xx

22-10-09, 00:55
mmmm i get this sometimes when i am anxious my doctor explained it is because all the muscles go into spasm and press on the facial nerve .... hope you are soon better x x

23-10-09, 00:10
Debs/Kathee, thanks for your replies, its amazing how stressed we can get, someone said to me today it could be a trapped nerve?? not sure but it defo sounds better than me thinking I have a brain tumour lol, I have the docs next Tuesday so I will see what he says...hope you are both okay and Debs hoep your head is better soon x x

27-10-09, 22:45
Been to the doctors and now getting referred to a neurologist to rule out a brain tumour aagghhh now im absoutely terrified, I am thinking though that as the doc knows im an anxioius person and bp is up cause im worrying then I think hes is going to rule out anything major first....naturally im now mega stressed and totally fed up!!!!!!!!!!

Shaz x

28-10-09, 23:05
Anyone out there able to reassure me with this one???????????????? please

28-10-09, 23:29
tingling and pins and needles is due to incorrect breathing so the oxygen is not getting to that part of the body as it is directed to vital organs.

All normal for anxiety.

28-10-09, 23:48
Been to the doctors and now getting referred to a neurologist to rule out a brain tumour aagghhh now im absoutely terrified, I am thinking though that as the doc knows im an anxioius person and bp is up cause im worrying then I think hes is going to rule out anything major first....naturally im now mega stressed and totally fed up!!!!!!!!!!

Shaz x

did u not ask your doc what he thought? I would think he's trying to reassure you by getting it out the way, unfortunately the doc has to check to make sure, "just incase" but i bet u'll be fine and it'll be chalked up to anxiety

30-10-09, 21:29
Thanks folks, now Im calmer Im remembering the full conversation, he had two options, first one was tabs to calm things down, think he meant muscles etc, and the other was the referral, think cos i was worried was the reason we went for the referral x

30-10-09, 21:36
Hi, I too am currently in the brain tumour anxiety stage and waiting to see a neurologist.

I can completely sympathise with what you are going through. I don't think they would have given two options if they had any reason to believe it was something serious and as with me I am sure they are just doing it to put our minds at ease. However, I am also having a very tough time convincing myself that it is not something to worry too much over. I hope you feel better anyway, it's awful going through this health anxiety malarkey :wacko:

30-10-09, 23:38
thanks Mark, I hope you dont mind I have just emailed you to ask what symptoms you are getting, thanks.

Shaz x

03-11-09, 20:09
Hi folks, as I posted earlier Im waiting for an appointment for a neurologist.....however I dont know if Im now stressing more or getting other symptoms, the weird funny heads are stil around, not constantly the same, but something everyday, this morning I woke feeling lightheaded had a stressfull day at work and tonight my head feels mega tingly....also since I was at the docs I have been getting like 'rushes' up my legs, especially one leg, like a chill feeling....Im now thinking its cause of the deterioration of what I think I have (ie brian tumour) or is it cause Im inwardly stressing about the hosp appt and my anx symptoms are getting worse?

I have suffered anxiety issues before but I cant see this being anx related and lasting this long??????? must be two and a half months now since it all started when I had the flu!!!

Any help welcome!!!!!!

Shaz x x

03-11-09, 20:27
Hi Shaz... im always having headaches , tingles etc .. i have seen numerous gps , ents and i still think i have something fatal .. even though they they cant find nothing wrong with me .. chin up

03-11-09, 20:46
headaches and tingling in the head is 100% multiple sclerosis. There is no other alternative diagnosis.

except huge inoperable brain tumour.

There's no way it's caused by anxiety, don't believe doctors and millions of people who think their head tingling is down to anxiety. They all have MS and brain tumours too.

03-11-09, 21:43
Thanks guys...Moggy, do yours last for ages at a time? and tend to focus on one certain area of your head? although sometimes travels down the face?? I know iM paranoid. OMG Skippy I almost had heart failure when I started reading your reply...im honestly a very level headed person however cos this has been going on for ages Im exhaused with it :-(

Shaz x

03-11-09, 22:10
Skippy...hardly the reassuring words expected on here. We all know the 'worst' cases hence our HA. I'd like to point out that our bodies are very complex things and that there a are number of other things that these symptoms could relate to other than the 'biggies'.

Rest assured Shaz, your GP is on the case and you are being 'investigated'...I've got a neuro appointment coming up too but am trying not to think about it too much.x

03-11-09, 22:11
headaches and tingling in the head is 100% multiple sclerosis. There is no other alternative diagnosis.

except huge inoperable brain tumour.

There's no way it's caused by anxiety, don't believe doctors and millions of people who think their head tingling is down to anxiety. They all have MS and brain tumours too.

Totally and I mean totally wrong and it is irresponsible to post this on here to be honest!

03-11-09, 22:18
headaches and tingling in the head is 100% multiple sclerosis. There is no other alternative diagnosis.

except huge inoperable brain tumour.

There's no way it's caused by anxiety, don't believe doctors and millions of people who think their head tingling is down to anxiety. They all have MS and brain tumours too.

Your proof? Sounds like BS to me

04-11-09, 23:27
Hi everyone, well I thought I hadnt take the reply from Skippy in my stride however after I logged off last night I went and googled my weird heads and I was totally stressed with something I found, I know it could be a million things wrong however I went to bed in tears after googlin, I am now not gonna google at all, EVER!!!!!!!!!!