View Full Version : Stressed out by new puppy, what have I done?

21-10-09, 22:05
I have a 3 month old puppy I bought 2 weeks ago. Now I am starting to regret it. My son really wanted a puppy and I finally gave in. I do love him but I didn't know that it would be so stressful! I lost my 16 year old schnauzer 1 1/2 years ago and my other one a few years ago to a coyote attack. I loved them but I got them when they were already grown and trained. I am still feelilng so off balance and anxious all the time and I am kinda wishing things could go back to the way they were. I could sleep late and do pretty much whatever, Now I feel that my whole time is spent potty training, cleaning pee and poo, taking him out in the rain, wiping his feet, trying to get him to stop biting, etc.

I know that's just part of training a puppy. He gets into EVERYTHING! Does anyone have advice on how not to get so stressed. My husband and son do help out when they are home.

I guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself right now.

21-10-09, 22:35
Having a puppy is a huge thing to take on,they take up alot of time.I find having a dog a great pleasure,they keep me going,there alway's there for me when Im down and low I would never ever be without them.

Maybe you should have thought about taking on an older dog.

Your puppy wont always be into everything he still a a baby,try keeping him to one part of the house until he is toilet trained.Give him something to keep him occupied,such as a nylabone,something he can chew on.

Plenty of exercise to get him tired,plenty of stimulation,this will help you both.Im sorry I can't offer much help,but so many dog's and puppie's get abandoned because people dont realise how much time they take up,I hope thing's settle down for you.x:hugs:

21-10-09, 22:42
Thanks for the reply. I didn't want to get an older dog because I was so sad when I lost my other two that I wanted to get one that would be around for a long time. I am a dog lover and I know what is involved in caring for them, I just didn't realize the puppy stage would be this hard.

I am keeping bedroom and bathroom doors shut and he does have a crate to sleep in. I guess he is doing as well as to be expected for his age. I just wish that this "off" feeling in my head would go away. He is always following me and under my feet. It's hard to walk sometimes even without him trailing me. I don't want to trip over him.

Thanks for replying.

21-10-09, 23:48
It will get better.
I can clearly remember what a shock to the system it was to go from my 15 year old cavalier king charles spaniel to a 10 week old old dalmatian many years ago. It is a huge upheaval and puppies do take up a lot of time and energy and require lots of patience.
The biting is very annoying but they all do it and it will stop in time.
If you can, try and look at this from the puppy's point of view. He has been taken away from his mum and brothers and sisters and thrust into a strange place with new people. He is trying to befriend you the only way he knows how, by trying to play with you. He is following you around because he loves you, needs you and needs reassurance, comfort and affection.
The key to quick toilet training is to be very vigilant and take him outside as soon as he starts to go in the house. Dogs learn quickly.
Play with him for short active spurts (not rough games) and he will be happy to fall asleep afterwards as puppies do, giving you time to yourself.
Look at this as a chance to really bond with him. Before you know it his puppyhood will be over and he'll be a sensible sedate older dog whom you will grow to love as much as your previous dogs.

21-10-09, 23:57
There's not a lot I can add to the above replies, except to suggest a puppy training class? They are excellent not only for the puppy but for giving you an understanding of how to achieve results quickly. It also helps to meet other puppy owners. If the puppy was bought for your son, then try to insist that he becomes involved in feeding and exercising the pup. If you really feel that you cannot cope, then try to return the puppy or rehome it as quickly as possible so that it is not too bonded to you. We have had 2 rescue dogs in the past, both of whom were only a year old but fully trained. This might be a better option for you.

22-10-09, 00:54
Ah dogs are a pain in the!!!

I have an English Bull Terrier, and she is crazy, she weighs in at nearly 30kg lol she's a right tank.
We lost a brand new sofa because when she was a pup she ripped it apart 1 day :( Still love her to bits tho ;)

I think the new puppy would be good for you though in the long run and remember it won't last forever and u'll have a good sense of achievement when the pup is fully trained :)

22-10-09, 14:19
Thanks to everyone for the replys. I will hang in there. I just wish I could feel "normal" again and enjoy him more.

My heart has been "skipping" non stop for the past 3 days now. I guess it is just the stress of the puppy. It has allways skipped everyday but nothing like now. It's really bad. I also had to have an endometrial biopsy done on Monday and was sick all day after because of the pain meds they gave me for the procedure. It didn't even really help the pain, just made me throw up the whole rest of the day. They called last night to tell me the biopsy was negative. I was relieved, so maybe I've just been over stressed.

Thanks everyone!

22-10-09, 14:28
You have had alot going on with the test ect,maybe now that you got a negative test you will be less anxious.
What sort of breed is your puppy,and whats it called?:hugs:

22-10-09, 16:08
He is a pure bred schnauzer. He is supposed to be a toy schnauzer. I had miniature schnauzers before which were about 18-22 lbs. The breeder told me he should be about 8-10 lbs. He weighed 5.5 two weeks ago at the vet. I can already tell he has grown. Getting longer, not such a fat tummy. We named him Chester. (my husband's idea) I don't think I'm going to register him since I'm going to have him neutered. There is really no reason. If I did, I was going to call him 'Little Lord Chesterly". My other schnauzers were salt and pepper color and the other white or "silver". This one is the "parti" color. His head, back and tail is black. His belly and legs are white. He has some white on his face and his beard is white, He is adorable, but a lot of work.

I'm hoping my "extra heartbeats" will settle down soon. My whole routine has changed and I'm trying to get into a new one. I am still so off in the head and weak in my legs a lot that I can't hardly go shopping and I still am not driving. I need to try again soon. The xanax helps some but I hate to take it everyday. I talked to my gynecologist and he gave me a prescription for some muscles relaxers. I might give them a try. I hated them years ago, though. I think part of my dizziness is my extremely tight neck, shoulders and back. They are always so tight. I think that is part of my dizzy feeling when I go out, even around the house.

Thanks for caring, how is your dog doing?

20-01-16, 16:54
He is a pure bred schnauzer. He is supposed to be a toy schnauzer. I had miniature schnauzers before which were about 18-22 lbs. The breeder told me he should be about 8-10 lbs. He weighed 5.5 two weeks ago at the vet. I can already tell he has grown. Getting longer, not such a fat tummy. We named him Chester. (my husband's idea) I don't think I'm going to register him since I'm going to have him neutered. There is really no reason. If I did, I was going to call him 'Little Lord Chesterly". My other schnauzers were salt and pepper color and the other white or "silver". This one is the "parti" color. His head, back and tail is black. His belly and legs are white. He has some white on his face and his beard is white, He is adorable, but a lot of work.

I'm hoping my "extra heartbeats" will settle down soon. My whole routine has changed and I'm trying to get into a new one. I am still so off in the head and weak in my legs a lot that I can't hardly go shopping and I still am not driving. I need to try again soon. The xanax helps some but I hate to take it everyday. I talked to my gynecologist and he gave me a prescription for some muscles relaxers. I might give them a try. I hated them years ago, though. I think part of my dizziness is my extremely tight neck, shoulders and back. They are always so tight. I think that is part of my dizzy feeling when I go out, even around the house.

Thanks for caring, how is your dog doing?

Hey, as somebody in the exact same situation right now and really struggling. How did this turn out?


20-01-16, 18:53

This is an old thread. I'd recommend you start a new one with some details - you should then find that members will reply.

Pip :D

20-01-16, 20:17
Thanks Pipkin, I did here actually in.... Link won't paste but it's New puppy has triggered severe anxiety/panic but quiet so far. Will try again.

Thanks for your help.