View Full Version : New here....

Sheik N Shimmy
04-11-05, 13:16
Hi guys

Just found this forum. Feels less lonely knowing there are others out there going throught the same crap.

I'm 37 yrs old and have smoked for twenty years, the last eight years smoking cigarrillos as opposed to cigarrettes). Therefore I am in a high risk group. I'll have to give 'em up quickly.

I've been terrified for the last two months that there is something seriously wrong with me (throat/mouth cancer.... lung cancer.... low blood pressure.... clogged up arteries etc etc).

Initially I was under a lot of stress at home and at work. Then I had the health worry. Then I googled the symptoms (yeah I know!), then I had the panick attacks..... lots of them. I've lost a lot of weight in the last month or so.

I didn't tell anybody what I was going through until last week when I cracked and ended up in A&E (mistook hyperventilation for a collapsed lung or lung cancer symptoms) and drove to the hospital.

Doc says there is nothing wrong with my throat. X-ray results on my lungs have come back clear. Have a lingering worry about something in the roof of my mouth near the back (dentist said it could be a root canal thing... I reckon it could even be a wisdom tooth) but will get an x-ray to confirm what it is. I'm also waiting for an Endoscope ./ ENT appointment.... and a bl00dy counsellor!?!?!?? For Moi!?!?!?

I keep trying to convince myself that there was absolutely nothing wrong with me (as the doc was telling me). But yesterday and today I've been dizzy and either my left arm or my right arm/leg has been getting pins and needles. Last night I was lying in bed when I realised that my right arm and leg were 'dead'. The pins and needles went quickly when I stood up but it was frightening. I didn't think I was under any stress at the time as I was asleep although the baby probably woke me.

I see no end to this in sight at the moment. The dizziness/pins and needles down my right side is the most worrying development so far. It's all wreacking havoc on my life as there is so much to be doing. I've a fairly good job, a wife and two kids and we're nearly finished some major home improvements. I have to get better for them. My daughter just started school at the beginning of September so it's all go go go......

Sound familiar to anybody?


Keep On Keepin On

04-11-05, 14:55
hi sheik

welcome to the site and the forums - what you have explained of your symptoms sounds exactly like some of them i get on a reguar basis and ive had all the heart tests (well nearly all) and they also came back clear and they told me it was all stress/anxiety and panic attacks and have been suffereing them a long time now.

ive had thoughts where im going to have a heart attack/stroke pretty regularly but nothing has ever happened yet - thankfully (touch wood).

i get a lot of aches and pains in both my arms regularly sometimes its at the top of my arm and sometimes i get it in my forearms - but i try not to worry as ive been told its all down to stress/anxiety and i suffer from muscular/skeletal pains.

try not to worry

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just finding it thats the hard part

04-11-05, 15:00
Hi sheik n shimmy (cool name lol)!

A big welcome to the site:)

Love Piglet:)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

04-11-05, 15:32
Welcome aboard!! :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

04-11-05, 16:20
Hi SnS,

all very familiar. I ave my own business etc and went through the same process as you.

Look around the site and you'll find alot of good info.

You can sort it out but it will take a bit of time and you'll have to let go with it. The more you fight it the worse it will get.

All the best,

04-11-05, 16:29

Im sure you will find lots of support on here from people who know how you feel
I have had heart tests earlier in the year but my chest pain is a lot worse since then
Chest pain is apparantly very common in anxiety sufferers,you really will be ok

Hunny xx

04-11-05, 22:43
Welcome aboard!

Your story sounds a bit familiar, and I'm sure there's nothing seriously wrong with you.

But I do know how you feel - I have been worried over health things before and gradually you begin to accept it.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

07-11-05, 00:32

i can relate to how you feel. i am so worried that something is going to happen to me. ive been like that 4 2 years since i had a bad experience in hosp.

im here if ever you wanna chat.

it not easy. just try to think positive.

welcome to the site.

lin x

Sheik N Shimmy
08-11-05, 12:44
Thanks for the warm welcome guys.

Keep On Keepin On