View Full Version : Can anyone explain this to me?!

22-10-09, 03:18
I get this weird feeling sometimes in my arms or legs .. or even my head.

Its like a rush of shivers but it feels a bit pins and needle-ley. Can anyone relate or even know what this is? its a weird feeling and it creeps me out!

Please help me figure this one out, you'd be a great help! x


22-10-09, 03:23
I know the feeling you are talking about. I am however not sure what causes it. It could be quick sudden release of adrenaline maybe. I do not believe they are anything to fret over.

22-10-09, 04:28
i get this feeling too, almost like i am too aware of my body and its surroundings and its like i am feeling even the smallest amounts of energy and or nerves. This is what happens when you analyze every little function your body does.

22-10-09, 05:04
yep when i suddenly get anxious, adrenaline rush this happens me too.
its like a huge wave of warm heat, my tummy gets butterflies, i get that weird smell in my nostrils i have heard others here talking about, my legs turn to jelly, some times im all wobbly too!