View Full Version : Wobbly lumps in mouth!

22-10-09, 08:12
hi everyone.

i'm sitting here with palpitations as i type.

i have on the left side just under my lower middle teeth which joins my cheek a wobbly lump - nothing to see and no pain - you can wobble it around within it's sort of little sac.

i have also got a lump on the other side in the same place but this feels like just a lump but because it is opposite and near my salivary glands, i'm wondering if i've got cancer of the salivary glands - would they give you pain or not

The dentist yesterday was foreign and could hardly speak of a word of english but said he would refer me which has got me even more scared.

can anybody please help? i'm so scared and sick of crying :O(

22-10-09, 08:36
Its probably just where your teeth are rubbing against the gum. I've got them on both sides of my mouth and sometimes they fill with fluid. I once got referred by the dentist for a white patch of skin in my mouth and I was a wreck until I got the appointment so I know how you feel. Everything turned out fine. I'm sure it will be ok so try and stay positive. Take care.