View Full Version : Head pain...Panicking!

22-10-09, 12:50
I know this may sound really trivial but I can't stop thinking about it.:unsure:
Last night, I was drifting off to sleep, when I had the most excruciating pain shoot from my neck up into the back of my head, just behind my ear. I was about to scream with the pain as it becamse so intense and then gradually after reaching a peak it eased. I put off going to sleep for ages because I thought I was going to die in my sleep from a clot! :scared15:
Eventually I fell asleep and woke this morning to feeling like the room was spinning really quickly and feeling sick & disorientated. The dizziness is wearing off a bit but I still feel a bit sick. The back of my head feels like I have been hit on it. :huh:
My partner told me that if it had been a clot then I would be dead by now without treatment, but I know of someone who fell, hit his head and died days later suddenly at home due to a clot.:unsure: I know he thinks I am boring hypochondriac...he gets this weary tone in his voice when I mention how I feel.
Am I over reacting? I dont want to visit my gp because I am sure he thinks I am an hypochondriac and will just put it down to anxiety as usual. I swear I could visit him with a leg hanging off and he would put it down to anxiety! :lac:
Has anyone else experienced this type of pain...it just happened suddenly...like a spasm and with no headache.

22-10-09, 18:16
Hi, I am not a Doctor so cannot really give a reason for ther pain you had, but I can tell you my Mum died of a Blood clot in the brain, it doesnt come and go, if it is there you would, I think, know all about it. The reason I wanted to reply though was this, you say "I dont want to visit my gp because I am sure he thinks I am an hypochondriac and will just put it down to anxiety as usual." I think perhaps that is because IT IS down to Anxiety, If your Doctor puts whatever down to Anxiety that is because he/she thinks that what it is, surely good news?

22-10-09, 19:29
The dizzyness is because of the immense worry u were feeling last night before sleep, I've done that before, i read on google about my symptoms and thought i had ALS i was so worried i was gonna die, i woke up next morning retching, dizzy and felt awful.

Relax PoppyC I'm sure it's just 1 of them unexplainable bodily sensations, i know i've had the same as u describe.

22-10-09, 20:37
Hey there PoppyC,
I randomly get head pain on the left side of my head and god does it hurt..I always put it down to either anxiety or sinus problems as ive had it on and off for years so im sure if it was anything sinister I would deffinately know by now. I think for you too, it is probably anxiety as anxiety causes alot of problems but maybe..just maybe it could be your ears..do you have any ear problems if not than deffinately it is anxiety..anxiety makes us sick, giddy and feeling utterly bloody awful...please try to calm yourself...nice warm bath..read a book, anything to take your mind away and I believe it will pass and you will be fine...take care...wish you peace...by the way it could even be just be a cold in your head take a couple of neurofens and see how you are. Hope this helps x

22-10-09, 23:17
if you are very worried best advice is to see a doctor, but how are your ears? ... everyday sort of ear infections can cause really bad shooting / stabbing pains and dizziness as can fluid build up in your sinus' ... hope you are feeling better soon x x

23-10-09, 12:02
Thanks all for replies and suggestions. I really appreciate it :hugs:
I am still alive! :yahoo: The pain gradually subsided and now I feel ok. I really don't know what it was.
I never used to think I had health anxiety, but now whenever I feel unwell with something, I panic and start checking every medical site on the net. :unsure:
My gp does tend to put everything down to anxiety and so I put off going to him, which I do know is not always a good thing to do.
I think that can be a dangerous thing for gps to to do because I have read of cases where people had illnesses and their gps just dismissed their symptoms as anxiety and then later it emerged they had serious illnesses. I think its best to check everything else before putting it down to anxiety.
Ok I am worrying again lol :doh: