View Full Version : High blood pressure and fast pulse at doctors

22-10-09, 15:28
Does anybody else get this? I only ever have a high systolic reading but the diastolic is normal or even lower then normal. Even checking it at home it is high, I just pick the box up with the monitor in and I automatically feel my heart racing and i get all hot and sweaty. Last time I checked at home it was 159/70 then after five mins went down to 131/71 but I was still anxious then. One time at the hospital my pulse was 142 but at home when at rest its about 76, the doctors didn't beleive me! I'm sure the nurse thought I was going to croak it because she practically ran to get the doctor!
Also how many of you only have a high systolic reading?

22-10-09, 15:36

I react very badly to even the word blood pressure,:ohmy: tried a home moitor which would give me lower readings than at drs but even then its always higher than it should be, my practice nurse ended up telling me to put the machine away as i was getting obsessed and very distressed about it . i am very phobic about it, how i will overcome this i dont know, but you are definately not alone with this one.

P x

22-10-09, 15:49
It's called 'White Coat Syndrome' im the same to an extent... just have to walk through the surgery door and my pulse quickens and i can literally feel my blood pressure going up..

If you are sure that your blood pressure is normal at home and you are taking it correctly then it will be the good old 'White Coat Syndrome'

: )

22-10-09, 15:55
both the readings you have given are fine bp can alter from hour to hour also like person before said certain things and situations can make it shoo up even taking it all the time its not good ,even in hospital they don't check every min ,,put monitor away not good

22-10-09, 16:21
I am exactly like you pollyanna and thankful that someone else was told to put away the monitor! Im getting a bit better though as I used to panic even when my hubby was checking his bp!!!
Take care,
Carol x

22-10-09, 21:39
I am exactly like you pollyanna and thankful that someone else was told to put away the monitor! Im getting a bit better though as I used to panic even when my hubby was checking his bp!!!
Take care,
Carol x

I panic too when someone else takes their blood pressure! I just hear that noice it makes and I'm like "arghhhhh", it seems automatic. I won't take it obsessively, I know I have had very good readings 116/71 when I am calm so I'm sure its anxiety doing it.

22-10-09, 22:32
snap im the same, i have been told to put it away now, as i was checking it llike every hour and it would go up and down all the time. my pulse is always in the 80's and 90's i get sdo anxious about it all.

22-10-09, 23:34
Mine is not too bad at the doctors, I get more anxious I think when I take mine at home. I take it ALOT. Like 15X a day. I worry before the # comes up and sometimes its ok and sometimes it sucks. Depends on my anxiety. I am having a hard time right now as I just had surgery and it has caused a rise while I heal and that has caused my anxiety to sky rocket so both my pulse and BP are up.

26-10-09, 20:44

I react very badly to even the word blood pressure,:ohmy: tried a home moitor which would give me lower readings than at drs but even then its always higher than it should be, my practice nurse ended up telling me to put the machine away as i was getting obsessed and very distressed about it . i am very phobic about it, how i will overcome this i dont know, but you are definately not alone with this one.

P x

I am the same way. I have had 2 periods and my life when i was told about elevated BP. Both times were when i was dealing with alot of anxiety and panic. Those were 5 years apart and between those times I havent had a Dr. Mention it. This most recent time has been a mess for me. I was late for an appointment stuck in traffic and by the time i got to the Dr. I had a reading of 150/80. I brushed it off as just the stress and me having bad anxiety at the time. Since then i havent had a normal reading. I talked to my PCP about it and he did test all blood test came back excellent, no family history of High blood presure, Chest xray, stress test, EKG, Echocardiograph all came back normal. I go to the gym and excerise sever times a week. Dr's couldnt tell me why my bp was elevated. I have been on BP meds for 2 months now and its been hell. My bp isnt better matter fact its worse. It was to the point where i was checking my bp 30-40 times daily. My wife and my shrink both told me to throw it out. I try not to think about it but in the back of my mind i see those numbers and wonder why do i have this, whats wrong with me. I have been real bumed out about it because im 24 and instead of trying to build my career, work on a family and enjoy my youth im worried about BP issues. The Dr. Put me on meds which i hate they make me feel funny. The bad thing is the racing thoughts, all kinds of crazy things are going through you mind. How long has this been going on? what kind of damage is this doing to my heart.? Do i have to be on these meds my whole life? What is happening to my bp when im excercising? Am i doing more damage if i go for a jog? Anxiety is a mental prison that i wouldnt wish on anyone

26-10-09, 23:51
Mistamasta I could have written your post almost word for word. I check mine constantly. My husband hates it but I am so worried about it. Since its a silent disease, I would rather know! my dad died at 41 so I am extra paranoid.