View Full Version : goosebumps/chills/shivers

22-10-09, 17:47

Just wondered if anyone else gets these wierd momentary shivers/goosebumps in their legs or elsewhere. I first noticed it when I was pregnant and my neck was a bit stiff so would rub my neck and this would cause a flash of goosebumps particularly in my legs - just like the "chills" you get if you are scared etc. It really bugs me and of course being a health anxiety sufferer makes me worry about all sorts of neurological things. It seems to go in patches and so I get times when I really notice it and other times when I don't - it is as if my nervous system is hypersensitive for some reason. I mentioned it to my neurologist (whom I have seen because of my anxiety about neurological symptoms) who although she couldn't explain it didn't seem very bothered by it - putting it down to me being hypersensitive. I would love to hear from anyone else who gets this!