View Full Version : Red blotchy patchy neck ???

Desprate Dan
22-10-09, 20:05
Hi does anyone else get red blotchy patches on there neck and upper body when stressed or in high anxiety/panic ??

My friend said to me the other day whats a matter you have red ptches all over your neck....AAHHHHH

That just made it worse i looked in the mirror and yes my neck was covered in patchy red blotches..

What is this and does anyone else get it???


22-10-09, 20:14

I don't know exactly what causes it - maybe because some people's veins are closer to the surface ( think I've read that before ), but yes that happens to me sometime as well. I had to make a very stressful phone call yesterday and when I came off the phone my neck was like that and my face was like a beetroot!!:blush: I've also seen other people with this so it's just one of those things that happen to some of us!!

sarah jayne
23-10-09, 09:05
Ive had it at the bottom of my neck and upper chest.

23-10-09, 10:40
Have you read up on Urticaria Dan?

Better known by other more common names such as Hives, Nettle Rash etc.

Gentle Warning: Graphic medical pictures at the following two links. Not 'graphic-repulsive' at all, but some people, myself included, might prefer not to view even the most benign of medical photographs.

NHS: http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Nettle-rash
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urticaria

23-10-09, 13:13
Yes, I get exactly the same, its terrible, can never go to a social function wearing any sort of low neck without a scarf, tried green creams, cooling creams etc. etc. Can't really give you any advice as I have tried everything, just wanted you to know you are not alone in this,often thought its funny you never seem anyone on Tv with it!!!

23-10-09, 17:36
I had a rash flare up on my neck a couple of months ago and it turned out to be my eczema. It was really itchy as well!

Desprate Dan
24-10-09, 07:59
Yes they dont last for long and once i am calm again the patches disapear, i think like you say its just another symptom of stress and anxiety...

Oh if only for a stress free anxiety free life...

24-10-09, 15:47
Thanks for the advice on here as I did not think that it was stress and anxiety related but looking at all your posts it definitely makes sense.