View Full Version : Shoulder Pain

22-10-09, 23:31
Hi There

Im new to this but I had to get all this off my chest before my husband goes insane!

For a year or so now Ive been getting pain in and around my shoulder blades, Im too scared to go to the docs in case its cancer. In April this year I had rectal bleeding and went for a colonoscopy, I really didnt think it would be anything but they found 2 ployps which they removed and tested, and were thankfully, negative of anything nasty. But that experience has scared me so much that Im too frightened to go to the doc incase she send me for a chest xray and they tell me I have lung cancer.

The worst part of it is that I smoke, i have quit but the anxiety of having lung cancer makes me smoke more, then I quit again and so on and so forth. I cry myself to sleep every night and I just dont know what to do anymore, Im 31 and have an 8 year old, i just got married last september and my head keeps telling me that now im happy and settled i'll get cancer and die and be taken away from everything and everyone i love.

Its so hard to talk like this with my hubby as he will just think im mad.

If you have read this im sorry for going on and sounding like a nut case (Im also sorry if the spelling is bad, the lights just blown in the computer room and im struggling to see the keyboard lol) any advice gratefully received


23-10-09, 00:09
if your worried you really should go get it checked out as if in the very unlikely event it is cancer and you dont do anything about it your worst fear will happen, im fairly sure lung cancer is pretty aggressive and if you had it for over a year you'd have alot more symptoms than a bit of back pain, you'd most likely cough up blood and more and the pain would be excruciating, you're also young too so its very uncommon.

really what you gotta ask yourself is do you want to go on like this and worry and cry yourself to sleep indefinately or do you want to deal with it, take one afternoon go to the doc's get checked out be given the all clear and get on with your life and if the worst case happened deal with that then get on with your life !!!!

i too am 31 and a smoker, i get so many pains all the time and some feel pretty bloody bad if the truth be told and i always think they're something serious i spend alot of time freaking out about it, they never ever turn out to be what i think they are and im always fine !!! i always feel immediately better after i've seen the doc too, go see the doc get the all clear and live a life of living with your family instead of a life of dying, im trying to do the same :bighug1::yesyes:

23-10-09, 00:13
I doubt it is cancer but go and see doc for a diagnosis

23-10-09, 14:00
Thanks guys, ive made an appointment today for next week, and I know you're right its better to get these things checked out than sit stressing about it, I had a good chat with one of the guys at work about it today and he made me ring the docs, he actually sat there until i did it lol. Thanks again