View Full Version : smoking?

23-10-09, 00:53
im a smoker! do you think smoking makes anxiety worse?

23-10-09, 01:33
i think it makes it better. But i had to give up. :(

23-10-09, 07:53
Im a smoker also. Im not sure if it makes anxiety worse or not, but i know that my anxiety would probably be alot worse if i tried to give up at the moment!!!!!

Debs x

23-10-09, 08:20
why do you think it makes it better i seem to smoke mor now than ever did

23-10-09, 10:26
i also smoke i find it helps calm me down i would love to give it up but i know it will make my anxiety alot worse.

i used to smoke 10 a day now im up to 16-20 a day.

23-10-09, 11:09
I am now cigarette free since Sunday - with the help of paul mckenna. I think when I was smoking, it made my anxiety worse. It raises HR and BP so your likely to feel a little edgy afterwards.

23-10-09, 11:49
I don't smoke (have in the past) but as loulabelle said (congrats by the way) smoking makes both your blood pressure go up and also increases heart rate ... i guess its a bit like having a drink.. may make you feel better at that moment but overall it's gonna make it worse.

23-10-09, 12:47
Congratulations of giving up. I'm giving up on Monday have you got any tips?

23-10-09, 17:29
ive just been to smoking nurse today, as i have servre anxiety she thinks its making it worse also, with bringing boold pressure up ect. i have broken bones and they arent healing after a year and they say its down to smoking.ive given myself until tues to cut down and prepare my mind, then quit date is for then..only tryed once before and i was house bound then with my injuries, now hopefully as i can move about i will be strong enough and have the will power to say no...ill let you know how it affects my anxiety..sam

23-11-09, 23:33
why do you think it makes it better i seem to smoke mor now than ever did


Hi, I just read where you smoke more than ever. I also have seen doctors in the smoking area that tell others not to smoke but they smoke.. Its funny..

But then again I would like to quit but im not sure I can. When I haven't had a cigarette in awhile I can feel it, which then in turn makes me anxious. The thought of giving up smoking gives me anxiety.

We recently found that my blood pressure is above normal not much but slightly.. We don't eat salt ,very little sugar, very little caffeines and we broil our food and eat lots of nuts ,fruits and veggies.. Other than living at high altitude and smoking there isn't much we do that would really cause high blood pressure. Our weight is the best its ever been exactly where it should be and we exercise. We are in our 50's and I really don't want to give us smoking.. Its the only thing we do that we shouldn't ..

Isn't there something else I can do other than giving up smoking?

You have been a nurse.. are there other ways to make your blood pressure go down. I mean certain things to eat that we don't eat.. Maybe some mental technique , something that we don't know about ?

23-11-09, 23:50
i quit a few days ago... again lol... i'm gonna do it this time tho :yesyes:

24-11-09, 03:20
I think it depends who you are for some, it helps massively and calms them down when they have a cigarette, for others, like myself, the associated nicotine rush stimulates the body into it's fight or flight response resulting in a panic attack, I do still smoke at times but only when ive drank sufficiently to override the anxiety, however I dont condone drinking for it either as that makes anxiety worse in the long run although you feel better immediately(usually), as I say, it depends who you are really. I was forced into quitting due to anxiety though I don't mind as its a good thing for me really.
