View Full Version : I am back

23-10-09, 06:22
Hi - have been on this site on and off for a good few years and am abit sorry to say I am back.....

I have recently moved to canada for job from the Uk and have hit the brick wall with a bad bout of anxiety/depression. I currently feel like no one has ever felt as bad as me and am the worst case. Here are some of my current symptoms - I need some homegrown support from The Uk:

1. Waves of terrifying thoughts
2. Cannot sleep at all - literally pacing the floors in the middle of the night- I got an hour and a half the other night
3. Feeling like this will never end - although it has in the past - i cannot see a light
4. Feeling very agitated
5. feeling restless not relaxed
6. Can't stop thinking how I am feeling
7. going to the loo all the time (both ends)
8. Knot in my stomach

I try and tell myself that it will be Ok because ....or this is not as bad as it seems......but then my mind just throws up another terryfying thought and I am back to thinking,worrying feeling crap.

Am I the only one?

Thanks for listening


23-10-09, 08:46
Hi! Just wanted to say that no way are you on your own. I have nearly all the symptoms you listed plus many more! I too feel I am worse than most people as they seem to have "good" days or even weeks and months. This has never happened to me and I have been constantly like this for a year, every single day. Some days have not been as bad as others but I never have a whole day without agitation and fear.
You mentioned that you have got over it before so this is good as it means you will do again...I actually envy you!!
I really hope you feel better very soon, until then keep posting on here for help and advice. Everyone is so caring and I would be lost without them.
Love Judy.xxx

23-10-09, 18:49
Hi Joanne

Sorry you are having such a bad time at the moment.

You are certainly not alone, although depression can make you feel as though you are isolated.

Somedays I too think that I am worse then others that fellow sufferers can cope better than me. I don't think this is the case, i believe its just another illusion that depression brings.

I have suffered with most of the symptoms yo u list, this is my second major depression, first time was 13 years ago. This bout started in June this year, and i am surprised that i have felt so bad, mistakenly i thought that as i have learned so much about the subject that i would be able to navigate my way through without too much hardship, boy was i wrong...lol.

Like you, i felt that the depression and anxiety would never go, I have felt this way today as i am having a couple of bad days after 3 good weeks inspite of my psychiatrist assuring me that depression causes this feeling, as though things are forever... but they are not. I got over this years ago and have had a wonderful life since, so I know that i will recover this time too, but somedays I feel asthough i won't, I guess thats just one of the negative thoughts that comes with this illness.

You beat this before and you will again. Try using distraction when you start thinking negatively.

We can do it!!!

Take care

Sue xx :bighug1:

23-10-09, 22:07

You are certainly not alone and there will be lots of people on this site who are going through exactly the same as you. You'll get lots of support from them and it'll help you cope better. Anxiety is horrid but you'll learn to cope with it again.
Take care