View Full Version : Nervous

23-10-09, 06:24
Hello to all. I am due to go into hospital next week and to be honest, I am nervous and anxious. I was alright until today, when it suddenly hit me, what was about to happen. I am having a lump removed, and whilst through pre-tests I haven't been recalled quickly, I now find myself thinking all sorts. I have been down this road before regarding lumps, all of which have been benign, yet this time, whilst I have been feeling positive about it, just can't get it out of my head now that this time, it may not be. Maybe I have just woken up with this illogical thought running through my head, and as the day wears on, it turns back to logical. Any thoughts from anyone please, for they would indeed be most welcome? Thanks.

23-10-09, 13:30
Hi Nervous

I think you are right. I always wake up thinking really negative about ongoing issues but then by later in the day when i start to wake up and interact with people I start to see things more logically again.

Its almost like in the morning somedays everything is doubtfull and more scarey, Im sure its best to try and get past those thoughts and dont let them latch onto anything and grow because without a doubt the logical approach is the real one!!

Hope this all gets sorted out for you asap so you can forget abaout it and move on .


23-10-09, 13:52

It is totally normal to have those thoughts , anyone would, just keep in mind it is far more likely to be fine than not... and right now you do not know so try and not ley your mind make this trial more than it is.... try and deal with how you feel NOW not what might be

best wishes

24-10-09, 06:32
Thanks Lisa and Marc for your kind messages. You are both quite right in that it is normal and at the same time illogical to have these thoughts. As the day wore on, and having gone for a long walk to mull over why this sudden change of thinking, my head slowly returned to positive mode, plus the fact pictures and thoughts of my newest grandson kept going through my brain - I am not going to miss out on him - hence my brain kicking my **** into gear to get me back on the positive side of the track. Still nervous, a healthy kind of nervous, and that is the way I intend to stay, taking in my stride the outcome and dealing with it, whatever the result.

Today I shall endeavour to stay positive, and should I find myself deviating to negative, look at the pictures of, and think of my daughter and her new baby.... who is absolutely adorable, and can't wait to see this little family again.
