View Full Version : Ever wake up feeling fine and that makes you worse?

23-10-09, 09:01
I woke up this morning and didnt have any pains or aches, tummy felt fine, I had energy and actually felt ok. I didnt even notice it at first but as soon as I did I started thinking that something was wrong that I never feel this good and that something must be wrong and this was the calm before the storm.

Sure enough when I was walking to work thinking about it as I couldnt not think about it I could feel little aches appearing and a couple of times I got a spacy feeling when I was walking that made me slow down for a couple of seconds each time.

Its annoying me now that I cant even feel ok without thinking there is something wrong.

23-10-09, 09:18
you were fine.. but your mind has become so used to having anxiety,,as soon as you started thinking why do i feel good today,, ur mind then analysis this and BANG.here it comes again ,,its a pity you didn't just accept you felt good ,,its a shame it came on ..i hope you feel better as day wares on x

23-10-09, 13:14
Well as it happens I went out last night and had a few "drinks" and felt brilliant no symptoms. Then woke up this morning, felt ok, a little hungover.

Got to work, ok first few hours and now I've got mega symptoms.

Really off-balance even sitting still, everythings wobbling, vision is messed up, tingling and stinging nerves it's horrible :(

23-10-09, 13:36
I woke up this morning and didnt have any pains or aches, tummy felt fine, I had energy and actually felt ok. I didnt even notice it at first but as soon as I did I started thinking that something was wrong that I never feel this good and that something must be wrong and this was the calm before the storm.

Sure enough when I was walking to work thinking about it as I couldnt not think about it I could feel little aches appearing and a couple of times I got a spacy feeling when I was walking that made me slow down for a couple of seconds each time.

Its annoying me now that I cant even feel ok without thinking there is something wrong.

I know exactly what you mean, i do this all the time. But I always think that it proves that this is just HA and nothing physical. Its like it proves that the real problem is the anxiety and its there regardless of how you feel physically and when you are physically okay the anxiety is still there and but has nowhere to go.

I think the trick is to feel good however you feel physically but easier said than done I guess.

Hope your okay
