View Full Version : one for the ladies only please

23-10-09, 10:44
In July, I had a spot down below which I squeezed, it swelled and stayed like that ever since.. One doctor I went to see, believed it was infected and put me on max strength antibiotics - which made no difference. Doctor #2, this morning, said she thinks it is a cyst - and says to leave well alone.. She said she can feel nothing that would indicate cancer.. It's weird; I can feel like glands that are really swollen plus the cyst which is a little sore.. HA takes over, sadly, and has left me worrying about vulval cancer (daft I know), I should be believing the doctor's verdict shouldn't I but my mind is telling me she didn't feel the lump thing what I am worried about and she's talking about something else.. Aaargh! What to do..?

23-10-09, 10:49
Strange because i have a cyst down there, but sounds a lot different to yours. But the thing is i was looking about it on google - i know i shouldnt but seeing as it isnt about hiv I allowed myself - and i read that its possible to have cysts down there in the lubrication glands that are totally harmless ( called something like bartholims or something) and they are very common. That could be what the dr meant when he said its a cyst just leav it alone.

I would htink if it was causing you pain then go back , but only with a view to them solving the pain... not because you dont beleive their diagnosis or or you think its something serious becuase one dr, never mind two, would illiminate serious conditions straightaway.

Dont worry sweetie


23-10-09, 10:55
Us women hey.. what we have to put up with : )

Two doctors won't be wrong.. i think cancer of the vulvar has very clear indicators to do with areas of the skin.. I think one little spot/lump is probably a cyst of some sort. I had one there before and it eventually got smaller and went away.

Try not to worry

Mand x

23-10-09, 10:57
if the Doctor says its a cyst he will be right they will see many people with then there very common, i was a nurse for 15 years may i suggest to help with it ,,have a warm bath and add salt its saline solution and will help dont worry you will be fine .please

23-10-09, 19:36
Hi hun, i think the fact that you squeezed it and it has since been swollen says it all. You cannot make 'cancer' worse iykwim. If the doc thought for one second it was even slightly dodgy you will have been referred. You are fine!! :) have you been playing with it & checking it constantly? x

23-10-09, 20:04
I was just about to post about exact same problem so thought I would join this one instead - about 10 months ago I found a small hard lump down below - its not bartholin cyst as its in the wrong place so my Dr said its just a sebacsious (can't spell sorry) cyst. Of course I didn't really believe my Dr and when I moved house and Dr's I got another lady Dr to look and feel it and she said same thing - its a simple cyst leave it alone. she said if it gets very painful or very big to go back but otherwise forget it. Everytime I find it again if freaks me out but two different Drs have said same thing - I think they are common. She said if it was bartholin cyst then that is different in women over 40 but its not a bartholin cyst with me.

24-10-09, 13:11
Hey Daisy, if the doctor thought there was even the slightest chance of something sinister going on she would have referred you to get it checked out. Try not to worry, cysts in that area are quite common. Try to leave it alone and it should disappear eventually.


24-10-09, 14:44
hi hun ,,,, i too have had a few little lumps come up here over the last month and doctor has also told me its a cyst and not to worry and it will go by itsself xxxx hope it sorts itself out soon for both of us hay xxxxxx

25-10-09, 11:35
thanks everyone :) and yeah Tash I have been squeezing it etc, to try and get rid of it (that's how it got so bad to start with, by squeezing it!).. Guess I learnt my lesson there eh! will leave it for a while, the GP says she wants do a repeat examination in a couple of months just to check; she did say that there was nothing anyone could do other than surgery - but that was the last resort. hopefully things will be back to normal soon - and countrygirl/wendy, hope gets better for u as well xxx

25-10-09, 20:29
Hmm.. I am now thinking on making at appt at GUM clinic (I'm a virgin so it does sound ridiculous, to be even thinking of it) but I'm getting a very heavy discharge as well - usually mid cycle to be honest - (to the point I've gone through 3 pairs of knickers today - tmi, sorry), I'm not worried but wanting to get it sorted as it's so uncomfy? Thoughts? :)