View Full Version : Back from Belgrade ....

23-10-09, 13:19
Hello I am back from Belgrade and if any of you read my other posts I was so so worried about going somewhere new ..new surroundings never good with my anxiety ..but I am very happy to say that in all 3 days I have taken my diazapan (2mg )only on the way back only because I had a late night before flying back so I took it just in case ..but apart from that I enjoyed ..kept drinking low and I wasn't a kill joy like I thought I was going to be .
I am very pleased with myself I just thought I share this so also other people to give some hope :D

Hope you are all having a nice day

23-10-09, 19:03
Well done Fran!!!!:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:
I'm so glad you had a wonderful time. I told you that you wouldn't be a kill joy and that having the meds with you would probably be enough without needing to take them. Only one diazepam the whole time...that's brilliant.
I think you should post this in the success stories to give other people hope. I know how worried you were but it just shows you we should all go ahead and just do these things because the anticipation is nearly always far worse than the actual event.
Love Judy.x:hugs:

23-10-09, 21:20
Well done Fran, glad you had a good time. This is an ispiration to us all and like Judy I think this should go in the success stories.
Well done too for not needing your meds, just knowing you have them is sometimes all you need!
Take care,
Carol x

23-10-09, 21:45
That's great! Glad you had a good time :D


26-10-09, 08:20
Thank you all :)
I will check how to move the post as you suggested.

Take care