View Full Version : Hi to everyone & introduce myself to all members x

23-10-09, 14:14
Hi all,

My name is Ruth and I am 38 and have 2 children. I have been suffering with Severe Anxiety & Depression,Self Harm & OCD's for a quite a few years now but all came to a major head aound two and a half years ago, which resulted in me being hospitalised in the local Mental Health Unit for 4 months. I have had a few in-patient stays since also but only for a few weeks compared to my initial stay.
As a result I have been on various medications, one of which I had a rare reaction to, which was only picked up upon after about a year of taking it.
I am now on Venlafaxine 237.5mg a day,Quetiapine 250mg a day, Zopiclone 15mg a day and as of yesterday Pregabalin 150mg a day
Hence as of the new medication yesterday, I was researching for stories of people who have been or are on Pregabalin. I am one of those people who have to have all the details on any given medication.I go to great lengths to research this, another part of my OCD's in general.:doh:

It would be lovely to hear off anyone who is on the same concoction of meds or similar, please.
I look forward to reading this site and hopefully gaining encouragement and hope!

your fellow sufferer,

Ruth :yesyes:

23-10-09, 14:16
Hi Ruth

Im sure you will find loads of help and support here.. welcome

23-10-09, 14:16
Hi manuruth

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

23-10-09, 14:29
Thank you Nicola and Mark for the Welcome. There maybe times that I do not reply straight away, but please do not feel that I am being ignorant, there are many times when I do not feel able to communicate...so I will apologise in advance.
At the moment I am laid up on my sofa, have been like this since June as I had a nasty fall on wet grass and landed on a man hole cover, which resulted in a broken ankle, tib and fib and 2 operations down the line I am still in cast and not mobile. The funny(if you can call it that) thing about it I had not been out for roughly three weeks, had gone to visit a friend only up the road and that was the result. Basically just typical of my luck:weep: really.
Nice to say hello though x

23-10-09, 15:28
Oh for goodness sake, what a shame! I think you need some lucky white heather! It must have been painful. Yes, you will get lots of support and comfort on this site and I wish you well :hugs:
Myra x
p.s. I sense you still have a good sense of humour so be proud of yourself!

19-11-09, 06:15
Thank you all for your kind words - Ruth x

19-11-09, 09:51
Welcome Ruth !

All I want to say is that your signature is a mantra that I have tried to follow for along time. Well done Bob Marley !

19-11-09, 20:15
Hi Ruth,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support. I have never heard of the med Pregabalin you on but I am glad you found us.

Take care,
