View Full Version : Does anyone have constant pressure but no pain on left side of head above ear?

23-10-09, 15:31
Hi to all from a newby.
Can u help? Have u or still are suffering from what I'am?
I have had a constant, pressure feeling BUT No PAIN on my left side of head above my ear and around my temple area for two yrs now, also both sides of my face and forhead feel tingly when touched. The pressure on the side of my head feels like someone is trying to push the side of my head. The tingly feeling is like what you get after your dentist has given you a needle and your face feels tingly. I also have Tinnitus in both ears. All the feelings I have mentioned lasts from the minute I wake up to the min I fall a sleep. I had a MRI Scan last year which showed normal but after speaking to my qack this morning after she looked at my records she said they didn't scan all of my brain. Y i wonder? Now been refered to a Nurologist.
Am I the only one what's up with me?

26-11-09, 05:36
Sounds more like the symptoms of tmj.. I have it .. and the symptoms you describe here are classic for me.. Michael

26-11-09, 07:37
i had a good run of pressure feeling in my left side of head and dizzyness, had an mri saw neuroligist and he said it was anxiety anyway i hardly get it atall now and when i do i dont panic about it now

26-11-09, 21:09
Hi, Im going to the neuorologst shortly, I have had what I describe as weird heads for three months now, like a heavy dull head and tingly down one side of the head, I also have ringing in the ears as well, sounds a bit similar to you Lothario. My doc thought it was muscular at first but now not sure.

Michael, do you get tingles down your head etc as well??

Shaz x

03-12-09, 03:15
I've had a very similar thing for 3 months now continuously. Ringing in ears, fullness/tightness/pressure in head, trouble with balance, heavy head/dull headache thing. You guys sort of have the same thing going on? I do feel tingles, but very rarely. Is this something that will eventually go away?

17-11-10, 11:10
I've had a very similar thing for 3 months now continuously. Ringing in ears, fullness/tightness/pressure in head, trouble with balance, heavy head/dull headache thing. You guys sort of have the same thing going on? I do feel tingles, but very rarely. Is this something that will eventually go away?

I also have this and Im running scared as hell. Need reassurence

17-11-10, 11:35
I've had this on an off for many years - here is my reason - I thought I had nvCJD or Parkinsons at the time but my doctor told me to do yoga for the tension and i'm still here - I have put this down to a continued problem with my ears - I had gromits as a child and I had tinnitus as a teenager and I have tinnitus now and after a bad ear infection was left with uncompensated labrynthitis - pressure around my head and in my ears, feeling as though floor is moving, tingling, balance problems etc - i've had it for several years now and it comes and goes (worse in winter due to all the cold virus about) This area of your body (the vestibular region) is also related to and important in depression/anxiety, so if you do suffer from this kind of thing it makes you more prone to depression!! Talk about a vicious circle! This kind of thing is way more common than a brain tumour or any very rare illness you see in holby city. Hope this helps anyone with similar sensations.x

17-11-10, 17:42
Yeah thanks man appreciate it

25-01-15, 20:49
Did you find out what this is I have mainly right sided tight feeling like vice on head where ear is also temple and cheek eyes ect I sometimes get the tingly feeling it's like my face paralyse on one side no pain ! Just the tightness I'm so scared like really scared petrified even that it's something sinister that's about to happen help ???

25-01-15, 21:21

Oh my goodness,
I'm stunned by your post because I am experiencing the same thing and it's causing me huge anxiety.

I went to the Dr and he said I had an ear infection - I did feel a fullness in that ear - and it was so painful when he put the otoscope into my ear that he couldn't even look into my ear, but after antibiotics, he was able to look in my ear 3 days later. But I still have the pain behind my ear (right side like yours) and it feels like I'm losing feeling in that side of my face too off and on. The dr said it was from the ear infection or stress because its in the temporal region and to take nurofen. The sensation is worsened in times of anxiety. Thinking about what's causing it is sending me into panic attacks because it doesn't feel like a headache. It can make me feel quite lightheaded too. I can believe it could be stress because an ex I am still in love with is getting married soon and the temple pressure feels so much worse when I'm thinking about him. Does upsetting thoughts make the feeling worse for you?

Do you feel a pressure pain? My pain is pressure like something is pushing against the area and it jumps between behind my ear, above my ear and against my temple. Does your neck feel achy? How would you describe the facial sensation? In my case it's a numb but NOT numb feeling. It feels like its swollen, but I also get the occasional tingling. The side of my face up to my temple just feels heavy. I feel the pressure most right above my ear on the right side of my head. Sometimes it feels like a pinching on my temple and side of head across from my temple.

I was just about to post about this but I am so anxious and over it I can hardly find the words. I'm buying prescription ear drops today to see if that makes a difference.

27-03-15, 15:06
For me it is not quite constant, it does go away from time to time especially when I relax. It seems to be related to an ear infection I had on that side. I finished the antibiotics and the doctor says my ear is fine now, but the pressure is still there a week later. My feeling is that it is an irritated nerve or so, but who knows. If it persists I will visit an ENT and have him/her look at it.

I'm trying not to focus on it too much, but it is hard to ignore :weep:

01-11-15, 07:01
Wow I've got the same symptoms, been to the docs a few times recently about my ear fullness only to get fobbed off with a nasal spray! Was sat in front of a good movie last night when the ringing started in one ear then I went light headed and thought I was going to pass out! I'm still not convinced I have HA as I know somethings wrong inside me I just wish the docs would give me an mri to confirm my suspicions!! Anyone have ideas on how to get a uk doc to send me for a mri?!

01-11-15, 10:38
Hi Gary, what did the doctor diagnose you with?

I've had this recently and was told I have Eustachian tube dysfunction, was told to use nasal spray. It's been going on for 2 months now. My ears do feel better now and I am way less dizzy and weird feeling. I've been told to take antihistamines and omeprazole now as j still have a swollen gland in my neck and lots of mucus in my throat.

To be honest I think you symptoms have to go on for quite a while for an MRI to be done.

01-11-15, 18:16
I got told the eustachian tube was also blocked, I'm sat here now with pain in my head around left ear I've been googling symptoms all day long and I've scared myself silly! My wife tells me off for being negative but if things hurt there bound to make you worry ain't they????

01-11-15, 19:32
Yes they are, I think that's why my anxiety has been so bad the last couple of months.

My doctor said there's nothing hey can do in regards to blocked Eustachian tube, I just had to rest. I took some time off work, avoided anything too strenuous (as that triggered headaches), avoided alcohol too and also didn't go anywhere where I thought it would be quite loud as that hurt my ears too.

It really doesn't help to google! It's a crap illness to have but it will get better, I didn't think it would when i was bad with it but now I'm feeling a lot better.