View Full Version : Understanding PHYSICAL symptoms of depression

23-10-09, 15:43
Hi all, I experience physical symptoms when I become depressed and I was wondering if anyone else has any of these. My depression is tied in so tightly with anxiety that I don't often know which is which.

* Physical sensations of headache, or shivering feeling in my brain of temples when the depression/anxiety first strikes.

* Horrible burning, bitter taste in back of my throat and roof of my mouth, like a feeling of dryness.

* Feeling that the world is closing in and you don't know what to do or where to go - a sense of panic and dread.

I find that being cold can trigger anxiety for some reason. If I manage to reduce some of my anxiety or some of my depression, then both conditions usually relax their grip.

Has anyone ever heard of these side effects before? What do they mean?

23-10-09, 17:42
i have had them all and more horrible ,,its hell and very scary,, its one of those things we get with depression ,,i am a lot better don't take antidepressants ,,just take 2 x3mg zopiclone to sleep there great also 1x1mg propranolol a day,, and 150mg thyroxine for my thyroid that's one of the causes of depression if your thyroid gland not working properly that's why i got depressed,, still get anxiety ,now and again not nice i feel for you ,i found antidepressants and diazepam made me worse ,glad i stopped them

23-10-09, 17:50
You sound a bit like me, and i have GAD. The depression is secondary to the anxiety disorder. My dr is treating me with Pregabalin for the anxiety and says that my other issues with should reduce with cbt. Its early days for me so i'm still working progress. You sound really low, dont let the bully win X

27-10-09, 19:19
Sorry everyone, I couldn't get online again due to modem issues, now fixed HOORAY!!! :D

I actually think my depression, while it does have plenty of good reasons for being here (deaths in the family, redundancy etc), might actually be a chemical imbalance. That would explain the physical sensations - these could be the chemical changes occurring suddenly - and it would also explain why I can feel down even when everything else is going right.

My nurse today told me I have cut down on caffeine too quickly and I have made several other changes e.g. cutting down on paracetamol etc which she says could have caused the riot of physical symptoms I have been through.

I'm usually the first person who tells people NOT to go "cold turkey" on stuff, so this is out of character for me, but what with the events in my life lately I have kept getting distracted!

I officially declare my blip over -- thank God!! :D

27-10-09, 23:02
I forgot to mention: in the days immediately after my "blip", my brain felt bruised somehow. Every time I thought about how it felt to be depressed, my brain literally ached like a raw wound. Does anyone else ever get anything like that?