View Full Version : Depression from anxiety

23-10-09, 16:46
I was just wondering if anyone else feels like I do.

A few months ago I was hit by extreme anxiety and panic attacks. I am on medication but feel totally on edge all the time. Now I have been told I have depression as well - even though I'm on anti depressants.

I do not want to die in fact I am scared of dying. Thoughts that never used to worry me stick in my head like - why are we here, am I going to die soon, everyone will die at some point & what will it be like when my family are gone.

I get irritable and fidgety all the time. Even the thought of going out somewhere makes my panic come on. I feel like I'm going mad or am losing the plot.
From the outside friends think I'm well again but on the inside I just keep hoping I will get better soon. Nothing major has happened to bring this all on which makes it harder to understand.

How does depression effect you?

23-10-09, 17:25
hi if you go to the right side and scroll down to depression it gives you list ,, of what it can cause,, i hope it helps

23-10-09, 17:48
Thanks have read that just wondered what other people think/feel.
I am constantly tired all the time too :-(

23-10-09, 18:19
me too and light headed at night

30-10-09, 18:30
Thanks have read that just wondered what other people think/feel.
I am constantly tired all the time too :-(

Hi Mich1111

You are not alone on this one. At the moment, I'm in a situation where I just don't seem to know what my meaning in life is and feel as though I am sitting in limbo.

At the moment, since resigning from my rescue service position, certain area still cause me a bit of anxiety - mainly going to pub to socialise which is weird as this should be a good place to relax - even though I don't drink. I have a few other issue which could be contributing to what may feel like depression. One is the realisation that I may never become a dad. My wife has a genetic issue - which I've always known about - but because of this issue, a heavy weight is upon us that any children we have may be autistic so a decision has to me made soon. Hence you see, I'm sitting in a situation where I'm wondering what life is all about and what the next 40 odd years holds - something I never worried about in the past. It was usually 'whatever happens.. happens'. The door on being a dad isn't acutally closed but the possibiliy of what might happen if we press ahead scares us both - me moreso if I'm honest.

Whether my anxiety has brought on depression I'm not sure. My doctor was treating me for anxiety and whilst the anxiety levels have decreased dramatically, I somehow feel that 'depression' has possibly filled the gap but how do I know?? I'm only 42 and the only way I can describe it is - I feel like I have come back to my home town from somewhere and don't recognise anything or anyone. I feel like a total stranger and somehow don't seem to be part of anything and don't quite know how to handle it.

It's a very strange feeling. I'm working through it by trying to accept what is. Whether I win only time will tell.


30-10-09, 19:17
i think depression and anxiety come hand in hand rly

30-10-09, 20:01
Hi Mich & Mystic

I think you're right that anxiety & depression go hand in hand. I struggled with my anxiety for 3yrs before deciding to take meds in conjunction with therapy. Like you now that my anxiety is more manageable depression seems to have kicked in & it seems to be less controllable than anxiety. I have found this very strange as I'm taking antid's s didn't think this would happen. I've been talking to others with PTSD today & it would seem that this is par for the course.

Working our way through this can be exhausting, at first I was really hard on myself about it but now if I need to rest & relax more I just do it in the hope that by not fighting it so hard I'll get through it easier. I'm hoping that one day I can go to bed & sleep all night until then I've decided this the place I'm at today, tomorrow might be so much better.

stay strong everyone

30-10-09, 20:29
Hi Mich

Yes I agree, I had a very low self esteem and always put a brave face on things. A relationship that I was actually very pleased to have proved too much for me and I became very worried about everything. My partner tried to be sympathetic at first and the problem just grew and grew until I would tremble in the legs and feel like I was going to have a heart attack because I couldn't breathe. I then became very low and anxious and would even say paranoid to a point as I doubted everything and saw danger everywhere. I have been told it is anxiety depression with panic attacks. I feel worse since taking medication, my hands tremble I can't sleep longest 5 hours and I dream of the situation every night so I jolt out of my sleep and panic hits immediately, I try to stay calm but the knotting in my stomach is unbearable sometimes because I know I'm gonna take a bad turn. I am now terrified of going out when it is dark, hate stepping outside as feel as if everyone knows and life seems to be one long battle, but I am going to stay strong for myself and I will get there, because my partner was not strong and left when I needed him the very most thinking I should have just been able to stop it or get over it, he would get angry and I would get more panicky... all I can say is that I am a completely different person to before this all happened but I will be as stubborn as anything and I will turn this round because we all deserve to be happy. No one who hasn't had it will ever truly understand so hopefully this site is the place we need to gather that support from. I don't see it as a weakness I see it as that each and everyone of us have had things happen in our lives or just that we care about things and get caught in a trap, but we must be able to turn it round or learn to control it. The very best to you and sounds like we both have a journey to go through that will only make us stronger people in the end x