View Full Version : Constant Chest Discomfort / Burping

24-10-09, 02:45
Hey all . It has been over 3 months now since my panic attack over a pain in my arm. ever since i have had a really strong pulse /heartbeat.

I have had every pain you can imagine but they have all came and went.

The one thing that has remaind constant is my chest pressure.

With this chest pressure i fell it in my left arm too and neck and shouldeblades.

in the lats month i have been getting noticeable palpitations

Also the thing that seems to eliviate the pressure for a few seocnds is when i burp. I can feel the wind pass through my chest and out my mouth . I also get alot of wind noises in my stomach now.

i have had serval ecg's and alot of docs listien to my heart and they said they can hear anything abnormal.

I am being sent for a stress test and holter monitor in a week or so.

My doc has put me on reflux tablets but they dont rally seem to be doing anything

Does anyone else have this? this pressure never leaves me and usually increaes as the day goes on and its really a task to get to sleep at nights.

It could be a reflux i dunno or as i spent alot of time at my computer i was thinking maybe RSI? but it would not explain the wind and the palpitations.

I am just stuck in this circle folks and it is such a drain !

Anyone else have this? thanks :D

24-10-09, 09:00

Yes it does sound like acid reflux. This can give the symptoms you're explaining. The tablets should help a wee bit given time. There also does seem to be pattern regarding some people with palpitations and burping! I have this myself and also acid reflux. Although it's a nuisance it's nothing serious to worry about, although they say that paying attention to your diet can help greatly, which I think it can. A big thing seems to be cutting out fizzy drinks. Hope you start to feel better soon but don't worry.
Myra :)

25-10-09, 01:03
Ty :) my diet i would say is pretty good. I have not touched fizzy drinks in over 2 years . i have never smoked,drank or taken drugs. I eat chocolate mostly every day. I am not overweight but i am very inactive.

The discomfot is so annoying and i just cant seem to get rid of it.

Ill stop with the chocolate for a while.

The pressure i get on my chest and arm feels muscular but i have not pulled anything.

Unless i am tensing my body.

25-10-09, 08:19
That sounds just like me only I get occasional palps.
I also have a strong pulse. I can see my stomach moving with each heartbeat and I wouldn't say I was particularly slim.
I have a constant pressure on the left hand side of my chest. Occasionaly belching relieves it slightly. Your digestive system can be strongly affected by anxiety.
I have had ECG's, Echocardiagram and 3 day Holter monitor. Which they found nothing other than Type 1 AV node block which is asymptomatic.
So my GP has put it down to muscular skeletal. More specifically Costochondritis which is inflammation of the muscles/ cartilage in between your ribs. My sternum tends to crack often when I stretch.
I believe a lot of my problems may have been caused by bad posture. I work at a computer and often find myself slouching and mostly leaning all my weight on the left side.
I hope your tests are OK and I am sure they will be.

Take care

26-10-09, 03:47
thanks neil. I would agree with you if not for one thing. I have had swollen lymph nodes on my head near my ear since this all started.

Now i am not sure if anxiety can cause these or not but they do not seem to be going away.

I am thinking lyme disease just because of the nodes and alot of the symptoms i have correspond to lyme disease.

Lyme disease can be treated and is not that bad if it is that. I get blood tests back this coming friday for lyme and glandular fever.

But as you say it can be all to do with my posture as i spend alot of time hunched over also.

Neil do also get a really bad tightness sometimes when you take a deep breath in?

Thanks :)

28-10-09, 02:22
Hi Qix,
Yes I do get the tightness but it is always on the left side of my chest.
I definitely believe posture doesn't help anxiety
Have a little read of the posture section on this site if you get a chance
I hope your tests go ok.

Take care

28-10-09, 10:56
I hope you dont mind but I have to comment, I come here occassionally because it helps me realise I'm not alone, but I've had your exact same symptoms, two years ago, the pain between my shoulder blades and my neck and jaw was excrutiating, I couldnt sleep it was so bad, my burping was constant, this went on for 3 months.
I lost two stone and was convinced I had some dreadful illness, I was at the drs weekly, I was put on reflux meds which did nothing, and eventually anti depressants, but I came off these a yr later, it was all caused by anxiety, but what I was anxious about I have no idea, I was 43 and thought I had a stress free life, never had a day's worry, although my mum has always been anxious.

The only advice I can give you, is help yourself, tell yourself this is just anxiety it will go, and then try and ignore all your symptoms for a week or two, I know easy said
thats the one thing I've learned about anxiety, if you give in it escalates, and every ache and pain can seem huge, even dr's while they can reassure, you need to do the hard work, this is just my personal opinion, but your post seemed so much like me two yrs ago that I wanted to comment.