View Full Version : tingling sensations

24-10-09, 02:51
Hey, lately i have been getting tingling sensations in my fingers/hands and feet and i'm really starting to panic over it. do you know what might be causing it? could it be serious?
please reply
Love Louise X

Veronica H
24-10-09, 09:52
Anxiety sufferers including myself very often have this symptom. Have you seen your GP?


24-10-09, 12:58
I get tingling sensations in my hands/arms/feet when I'm feeling quite anxious. Can you relate the tingling to feeling anxious Louise or are the two completely separate?


24-10-09, 22:18
i'm not sure coz i have been feeling quite stressed about uni recently but i havnt been incredibly anxious. do you think i should see a doc? could it be serious? anything harmless it could be?
please reply
Love Louise

24-10-09, 22:32
Hi there,
Ive been getting tingling sensation in my fingertips especially in my index finger on my right hand..i had it in my left hand at first now get it now and than in my right hand..got no idea what has started it...just had loads of blood tests for hormones, thyroid, anemia and everyone has come back fine..really weird its probably nothing as my friends have told me they get it randomly too, but unlike you and me they dont suffer with anxiety...take carex